Chapter 8

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Lyle's POV

The walls were painfully white and the only sound I heard was faint beeping. The chairs were stiff and uncomfortable. I shifted in mine at least once every few minutes, trying to get comfortable.

Weston and that annoying omega were chatting quietly in the corner of the waiting room. Weston's eyes were red and puffy, making me feel kinda bad for the guy. I knew Blaze and him were close, but I couldn't understand why the twink was here. He could barely comfort Weston without crying himself. Was Blaze really friends with this guy and I didn't know? He was sleeping with my best friend without my knowledge.

Alex shifted next to me, reminding me of his presence. Alex was still wearing his blood soaked clothes from carrying Blaze all the way here. Smelling the blood made me feel uncomfortable, but I didn't feel like dealing with Alex's bitchiness to tell him to go home.

I quickly texted my mom asking her to bring Alex some clothes to change into instead. My parents were at the pack house straightening up matters, though I'm sure they'd rather be here.

I only recently got here myself. After the attack, I led a group of warriors around the perimeter to make sure no other rogues were there. It looked like an isolated attack.

I continued to scour at the wall as we waited for any news about Blaze. To be honest, I was angry. He shouldn't have done that. He shouldn't have gotten hurt protecting me. He shouldn't have been protecting me at all. I'm an Alpha. I could of handled it.

"Could you at least act like you care?" Alex sneered at me, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I rolled my eyes at his behavior. "It was his fault for getting hurt," I stated, crossing my arms.

"Really, Lyle? He saves your life and you can't even act thankful?" Alex shouted at me, catching Weston and the omega's attention.

I snorted at Alex's words. "I didn't need saving. I could've handled it," I insisted, making Alex's anger worse.

"Bullshit!" He yelled, standing up. "That rogue was inches away from your neck when Blaze took him down. If the rogue didn't kill you, you still would've ended up in a pretty bad condition. Just at least act like you give a fuck about him for once!" Alex huffed before falling back into his chair. I chose not to press the argument because I could see how torn up he was.

Was Alex really that close with Blaze? Did he love Blaze? I suddenly felt like I knew nothing about my adoptive brother's life. Normally that wouldn't bother me, but for some reason it really irritated me in this moment. I didn't like the fact Alex and Blaze were fucking. Yet I had no problem with it a few days ago. So what changed?

"Alex, I brought you some new clothes, honey," my mom announced softly as she walked up to us. I was relieved she was here, and even more relieved that I wouldn't have to smell Blaze's blood constantly.

Alex took the clothes without a word and rushed off to find a place to change. My dad plopped in the seat next to me while my mom talked to Weston and the twink.

"Looks like just a crazed rogue. A few of the neighboring packs reported seeing the same wolf, too. I did some research and apparently he was a beta for a pack near Canada and went rouge after his mate died," Alpha explained to me. "Good thing Blaze got to him in time." The words made me glare at my father. Why did everyone under estimate my abilities to fight?

"I could've handled it," I murmured, causing my dad to scowl at me.

"I'm sure you could've, but Blaze sensed it before you and used that to his advantage. You would've left that fight in worse shape. Appreciate the fact you have a loyal warrior who didn't hesitate to protect his future Alpha." He clearly used his Alpha voice on me. When I was younger, I used to cower at the tone, but now it barely affected me. I simply sank into my chair, not responding.

"Alpha, Luna?" A doctor called, all attention now on her. My father and mother eagerly rushed to her, followed by Alex, Weston, and the omega. I stayed in my seat, not feeling like getting up, but still listening.

"Blaze is healing just fine. We had to give him a blood transfusion for how much blood he lost, which I'm sure you know was a little difficult with his rare blood type. But now he should be perfectly fine and healed in 3 days max," she announced to the small crowd. My mom sighed in relief, hugging my father tightly. Thank goddess for werewolf fast healing.

"Can we go and see him soon?" Mom asked, sniffling from her soft crying.

"He's resting right now, but you can see him. He's been having some difficulty sleeping. Just his normal terrors," the doctor explained before walking off. Normal terrors? What did she mean by that?

Weston was allowed to see Blaze first as my parents talked quietly with a nurse. I focused on trying to hear what they were saying.

"So they are the same ones he used to have?" My dad asked the nurse who was patiently listening while looking through a chart. The nurse looked older, as if she knew everything that went on here for the last 30 years.

"Yes, he was calling out for his parents for a while and then that person named Xander, just like when he was younger. Once we sedated him, he settled down," she explained, flipping through the papers.

I heard my mom let out a shaky breath before thanking the nurse. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as my parent seemed to comfort each other again. "I just hope these terrors are a one time thing and don't lead to what happened the other times," mom cried into my dad's chest. He tried soothing her by rubbing her back, but I don't think it helped much.

Weston suddenly appeared, looking much better than before. "He's still sleeping, but he looks much better. We should go get some rest now that we know he's okay," Weston told the omega, who just obediently nodded and scurried behind Weston out of the medical center.

Alex stood up next and walked to the room. I wasn't initially going to even see Blaze. I was just going to walk out once I knew he was okay. But something in me was telling me that I didn't like the idea of Alex seeing Blaze alone. I didn't like Alex even close to Blaze.

I loosely followed Alex, until he reached the room. Alex instantly took a seat next to Blaze, who looked like he was just peacefully sleeping. Alex took Blaze's hand, making me growl. Again, I wasn't sure why I was suddenly being possessive over him, but I couldn't help it.

"I'm sorry, Blaze," Alex whispered to him. "I should've been on the lookout. I should've known something wasn't right!" Alex sobbed, clutching his hand. I started lowly growling, barely holding myself back from pushing Alex off him.

"I'm glad you're going to be okay, and I promise I won't let you get hurt again. I love you." That was all it took for me to burst through the doors, shocking Alex.

I composed myself a little when Alex backed away from Blaze. "I need you to go home and get rest. I want you on guard duty tonight," I growled, holding myself back from ripping his head off. Alex noticed my tone quickly and scurried away without a word.

Sighing, not understanding my sudden possession over Blaze, I plopped down in the same seat Alex was just in. Not a second later, Blaze woke up screaming his bloody head off.  

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