Chapter 54

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Quinn was asleep on my couch after Lyle walked him through various cooking techniques and then finally eating the meal. He ate a decent amount, which thrilled Lyle, who was oddly excited about this whole ordeal. Quinn laid on the couch to rest a few minutes after eating, and Lyle was quick to throw a blanket on top of him. Now Lyle and I were sitting at the table as Lyle talked about his day.

"I'm trying to decide if I should tell Alex anytime soon about our weird situation," Lyle admitted as he stared down at his phone. "Since he found his mate this might be a good time." This I found intriguing.

"Oh? Did he finally tell you he found his mate? I know you said you had your suspicions." Lyle looked up from his phone with a smirk on his face.

"Well he just texted me when I was coming over here today that he has a date on Saturday, so obviously I called him and pestered him for a bit until he admitted that he found his mate. Human, like I predicted, and blind apparently." I felt a little relieved knowing that Alex finally found his mate. It makes this situation less weird for us knowing Alex would not be in love with me for much longer.

"Good for him. Then yeah, I think it's a good time to tell him. I'll support whatever you want to do," I reassured him, glancing over at the sleeping incubus.

Our conversation was interrupted by Xander walking into my apartment loudly, but somehow Quinn stayed asleep. I raised my eyebrow in question, but then I noticed Joseph scrambling right to Quinn. This wasn't a shock since I had texted Joseph not long after Quinn fell asleep.

"What did you do to him? Why is he sleeping?" Joseph questioned, quickly coddling Quinn as he stirred from his rest.

"Why is sleeping bad?" Xander was quick to ask, confused by the situation.

"Incubi don't tend to sleep because they don't need to. They only do it when they need to conserve energy. He's been starving himself. That's why I took him out of school," I explained to both Joseph and Xander. Joseph's eyes only filled with more worry, staring down at his brother in shock.

"We got him to feed, but, um, his wolf decided to awaken," I added cautiously. Joseph froze at my words, his eyes growing wider. Quinn finally fully woke up at that moment, blinking awake to stare at his concerned brother.

He sat up, yawning, before glancing around the room. "Why do you look so concerned, Jo?"

"You haven't been eating? Why haven't you been doing that? What happened?" Joseph was quick to ask, taking a seat next to Quinn on the couch.

Quinn grimaced at the questions, obviously feeling uncomfortable answering. "I found my source... and I just couldn't bring myself to feed off anyone else. It felt wrong," he admitted, grimacing the entire time as he spoke. Joseph embraced the younger in a tight hug.

"Oh, Quinn. You can't just stop feeding. Why didn't you tell me?" Quinn was about to answer when Hayden conveniently walked in at the worst moment. Quinn's eyes immediately looked up, staring at the bond the werewolves couldn't see. Joseph stiffened, not daring to make eye contact with Hayden.

Hayden noticed the awkwardness and quickly cleared his throat. "Hi Joseph," he spoke before turning to Xander, "I need you to sign off on something for the new training equipment."

Quinn abruptly stood up, leaving his brother sitting wordlessly on the couch. "Well, I guess I could ask you the same question, couldn't I? Why haven't you told me that you found your source?" His voice was loud, but he wasn't quite yelling. He was gesturing to Hayden, making the situation even more awkward for all of us.

Lyle leaned over to me and quietly whispered, "I feel bad that I'm intruding on some personal family matters, but I also live for some juicy drama."

Hayden looked helplessly confused, but the brothers didn't really acknowledge this.

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