Chapter 40

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I came to learn why people hated heat so much. After 4 long days, now Lyle was almost completely back to normal. The pheromones were still lingering, so he still had to stay another day so his pack wouldn't find out. Hayden and Oliver brought us food and more clothes for me when they could. Since Oliver isn't fully mated yet, he kept his visits to just dropping things by the door before scurrying off.

From what I've heard from Xander, Ace's heat finished yesterday. That's the beauty of having an incubus absorb all the energy. Joseph had to give some of the energy to Quinn because it was too powerful for him to contain himself. I suppose Quinn knows about Apollo, but I'm not positive. From my understanding, Joseph and Quinn grew up in a witch convent that worshiped Apollo.

Lyle and I have been keeping ourselves occupied by watching Supernatural. It was a comfort show for both of us since we used to watch it with Alpha and Luna when we were in middle school. I don't know why we stopped, but at some point in time, we did.

The dynamic between Lyle and I has been strange. We had shared some quick kisses typically while I held him through his heat flashes. While I seemed to lose some self control, Lyle always tamed the kiss. It was actually quite impressive, his ability to quiet Fallon's urges to push forward. Even I could feel Fallon tugging violently at the bond.

Lyle and I were sitting on the bed while watching an episode when I smelled it. Lyle took a moment to smell it too, but when he did, he gave me a questioning look. I shut the laptop and quickly got off the bed to open the door. Xander didn't even say hello, just gave me a mischievous smile and walked through the door, pushing me to the side. Lyle stared wide eyed at the intruder. I stepped between them, glaring at my brother.

"I came to meet your mate. You are already buddy buddy with mine to the point where I'm pretty sure he likes you more than me." He paused to glare at me playfully. "So now I get to meet the jackass stepbrother slash Alpha mate!" Xander always knows how to make a serious situation into a joke. This leaves me to wonder if I'd have a less calloused personality if it weren't for my upbringing.

Lyle slowly slid off the bed and walked up next to me while I continued to glare at my twin. Thankfully, Lyle was wearing clothes for once instead of his usual heat attire, or lack of attire.

"Yeah, you guys really are identical twins. It's a little creepy. Like you look exactly like Blaze except for the scars and well no offense, but Blaze is more muscular," Lyle rambled in his usual no filter fashion.

Xander smiled at that. Not sure why, but he did. He stuck out his hand towards my mate, silencing Lyle's rambling. "Xander. The better twin, in my opinion. I think people who are too muscular are just show offs," he introduced himself. Lyle genuinely smiled and shook his hand.

Xander glanced toward me next with a contorted face, stepping bak to create some distance between him and Lyle. "Apollo is like trying to mind fuck me to let him take control. How do you hold him back around Lyle so well?"

Lyle blushed, but I wasn't sure why. I just shrugged, not giving a clear answer. I've become an expert at controlling Apollo over the years, so this wasn't anything new.

Xander walked further into the room, smelling around, probably to see the pheromone levels. "Yeah, you guys are almost done with heat. I've never been so glad to be bonded to an incubus before. Though, that was a surprise to me. Heat with Ace was soooooo annoying," he grumbled.

"Bonded to an incubus?" Lyle piped up, looking curious and also a little jealous. I hope the jealousy doesn't last after the heat because I get flustered everytime Lyle feels anything close to jealousy.

I gave him a small reassuring smile while rubbing the small of his back. "Xander and I have a bond since we share a wolf. I had an incubus, who I was imprisoned with for a few months, break that bond. When our cousin reunited the bond, the incubus got pulled in. It's not like a mating bond, it just means like we can feel him can't hurt him. You might be able to as well," I explained as simply as I could. Lyle's eyebrows were still furrowed but he nodded. He'd probably just ask me about it later.

The Alpha of Alphas: Apollo (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now