Chapter 31

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I spent the next day in bed alone in my room. Xander tried knocking a few times, but I refused to answer. I could hear everyone celebrating St. Luna's day, but you know I've always hated birthdays. And today was Apollo's. A holiday that used to be filled with presents and cheers and Luna making me wearing button ups was now dreaded day I refused to acknowledge. Apollo didn't take much offense to it thankfully. 

I didn't want this. I didn't want any of this. I didn't want to be an Alpha let alone the Alpha of Alphas. The idea of it made me sick to my stomach, causing me to actually throw up a few times. If my bathroom wasn't broken in yet, it was now.

I managed to roll out of bed around five in the afternoon. I was appreciative that my family hadn't pried too much. I had a few missed calls from Luna and two from Weston, but I wasn't eager to call back either of them.

I changed into jeans and a black t-shirt just to feel a little better. I heated up some pasta that Lilith and I made the other night. Slowly, I began to nibble on the pasta. Surprisingly, I was able to stomach it enough, and it actually made me feel less nauseous.

While I was cleaning up, my phone began to buzz. It was Alpha, who normally never called me, but since we are not connected anymore, I guess he was forced to.

"Hello?" I answered the call, unsure of what he wanted.

"Hey, I just wanted to check up on you. Your mother said you weren't answering her calls. Weston said the same." He was hesitant while speaking, and I could hear the concern in his voice. When I didn't answer, he continued. "I spoke to your uncle and we got things situated with school, and we contacted the council. I'm pulling some strings with some of my acquaintances so we can get a meeting in as soon as possible," he blabbered nervously, as if he was worried if he didn't speak fast enough, I'd just hang up.

There was a moment of silence before I responded. "Thank you. Sorry for the fuss, I'm just having difficulties adjusting..." I trailed off, not really sure what to say.

"It's okay. I know it's a lot to process, but just know you're not alone. You're mother and I are here and your uncle and, um, brothers. And even Weston. Just, don't let this consume you, okay?" His words were reassuring, and actually made me feel a little better. It was weird that he referred to Lyle and Xander as my brothers, but I tried not to focus on it. 

"Thanks, Dad, I honestly really needed to hear that," I admitted, making my way to my couch to rest on it instead of standing.

"I'm glad," he hesitated before continuing. "Lyle came home last night, and he wasn't very happy about the news of you leaving the pack. I thought you called him?" My heart stopped. Was it Lyle who was upset or Fallon?

"I did, but it went to voicemail, so I left him a voicemail explaining things. He never called me back, so I figured he was fine with it," I explained quickly, not really wanting to talk about my mate at this moment.

"Well, he tore up his room in a fit of rage and sobbed in your mother's arms..." Alpha mumbled so quietly that I wasn't even sure if I heard him right.

"He did what?! Was it his wolf or him?" I sat up on the couch, a pang in my heart now stinging.

Alpha sighed over the phone. It was a knowing sigh. "Both, I think. His wolf took part in destroying his room, but it was mostly him crying," he sighed again. "You probably shouldn't have moved away so quickly... but what's done is done, I guess."

He knew. He knew we were mates. It has been obvious to him for months. It's why he always found excuses to remind me we weren't related. It's why he always had a knowing look on his face when Lyle was possessive.

The Alpha of Alphas: Apollo (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now