Chapter 26

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Sleeping was difficult when I felt Fallon's presence next door. Apollo was whining in my head, begging me to march next store and cuddle our mate.

I finally got out of bed after a restless night, attempting to get ready for school. It was the last day before break began, so I had to make an effort to at least attend. I threw on a black shirt and flannel with ripped black jeans that made my butt look good. For some reason, I felt more self conscious around Lyle now. Honestly, I don't think I couldn't fall in love with Lyle, but Fallon has already stolen mine and Apollo's heart.

I took one last glance in the mirror before walking downstairs. I smelled the entire family in the kitchen, including breakfast. I sauntered in, my pack pack resting on my right shoulder in preparation to leave if things got too awkward. A duffle bag was on the floor by the door, which I instantly recognized as Lyle's. I glanced at them as I sat next to Alpha, not realizing that Luna was lecturing Lyle as I walked in.

"You can't just be a slut and sneak out at night to make out with some random person!" That was probably the most aggressive statement I've ever heard out of Luna's mouth. Confusion flooded my mind until my eyes fell on Lyle's neck. The purple marks that Apollo left were vibrant and visible to all. Lyle was blushing, not looking at any of us. I wondered if he even knew I had done them, or rather my wolf did.

Luna started aggressively piling food onto plates for us. "You're going to be an Alpha once you find your mate. You need to set an example! If you keep this up, you are going to scare him away!" Lyle straightened his back, glaring at her.

Alpha surprised me by placing his papers onto the table. "Him?" Everyone stared at Luna for an explanation. Maybe she knew we were mates...

Luna simply placed her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes. "No females are strong enough to leave bruises like these on an Alpha male. It only lasts a few minutes on your father." Lyle and my's faces scrunched up, not enjoying our mother's confession. Lyle didn't argue with her, just plopped down in his seat. Alpha was studying him wearily, but Lyle's eyes were focused on scowling at me. My face, as always, was blank and expressionless.

Luna plopped the plates on the table carelessly. "Geez, as if living with three males wasn't enough! The moon goddess had to make my two sons gay!" Now it was my turn to glare at her, not sure how she came up with an assumption about my sexuality.

Alpha turned to me with raised eyebrows. "You too?" I composed myself enough to shrug, but Lyle scoffed at that.

"Blaze has been sleeping with Alex for months," he sneered, shoving food in his mouth. Alpha now looked uncomfortable, and I simply shrugged again.

As if on cue, Alex walked in. We all froze, but he didn't seem to realize as he happily bounced in, sipping on coffee. It took him a moment to realize the tension in the room. "Did I walk in on family drama?" Alex stared at me, hoping he could read my face. My normally stoic face was now blushed red with embarrassment as Alpha glanced between Alex and me.

"At least he has good choice in men," Alpha commented before looking back at his papers. Luna seemed to glow at the drama she just stirred up, but Lyle was already planning out which retirement home she's going to in his mind.

Lyle abruptly stood, grabbing his bag. "We are leaving now. We will be back on Luna's day," he announced, pushing Alex out the door. I did some quick mental math, realizing why Fallon had said he's going to reject me. He won't be here to tell me his decision, which only meant one thing. My face fell at the realization. I looked down at my food, but I felt Lyle staring at me for his last few moments in the kitchen.

As soon as they left, I felt the sudden urge to tell Luna about my departure. I couldn't wait until lunch. We ate in silence for a few minutes before I got up the nerve to finally pull out the picture of my family from my back pocket.

The Alpha of Alphas: Apollo (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now