Chapter 17

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Lyle had been avoiding me for the week, but I didn't mind because it made it easier to sneak around. This Thursday was Weston's birthday and you can best believe he was excited. Emerald and I had planned out a perfect day on Saturday to celebrate, consisting of all of Weston's favorite things.

On Saturday morning, I drove over to Weston's house with supplies for an ice cream bar, his favorite snacks, the entire Twilight series, fuzzy pajamas, facial supplies, and a few card games. Emerald was taking him out to get a pedicure while I prepared.

Weston's mom ushered me in and helped me set up some of the food. She also prepared Weston's favorite lunch: chicken tenders and shit ton of tater tots.

It wasn't long until Weston and Emerald appeared at the door. When they entered, I yelled, "Surprise!"

"Tater tots! Hell yeah!" He cheered as he ran straight for them.

Emerald beamed at his happiness. "We have this gourmet meal for lunch, then we are binging the Twilight movies while snacking, then we have an ice cream bar for dessert!" Emerald explained excitedly, throwing her arms around Weston.

"Thank you! I love it!" He hugged her back. He looked at me, and I was expecting the same amount of happiness, but instead there was an awkwardness about him. He gave me a weak smile, which I accepted, and then he sat down and began munching.

We had watched 2 of the movies, and we were making fun of the acting through them all. But Weston still refused to look at me. Something was obviously wrong.

"I need to pee!" Emerald shouted before rushing down the hall to the bathroom, which left Weston and me in silence.

Normally I wasn't very confrontational, but this was my best friend. I took this opportunity to turn to him. "Hey, what's wrong? You're acting strange towards me. If I did something wrong, you know you have to spell it out for me because I'm an oblivious idiot." The joke helped lighten the mood as he laughed in agreement.

Once his laugh came to an end, he scratched his head nervously. "I found my mate on Thursday," he admitted. I took no time cross the space between us to hug him.

"That's amazing, Weston! Why didn't you tell me?!" He looked down nervously, making my heart sink. "Did they reject you? Do I have to beat them up?" I instantly stood up, ready to take action.

"No, no, no! He didn't reject me! He's from a different pack, and he actually took me to meet his parents right away." I relaxed at his explanation, sitting back down.

"Good, are you happy?" I asked genuinely, and by the way he smiled, I got my answer.

"Yeah, I am," he said kinda dreamily. He twirled with his thumbs while he thought.

"Is that why you were being awkward around me? Because you hadn't told me yet?" His head perked up, and I could tell he had more to say.

He took a deep breath, as if he needed to get up the nerve to say what he had to say. "My mate is the soon to be beta of the Black Heart Pack." My heart sunk, and my face lost all blood in it as I stared wide eyed at him. "So you do know! You know you have a fucking look alike who's the next Alpha of that pack!" He whisper yelled at me.

"I- I was going to tell you, but not yet. I only found out a few weeks ago, and it's been hard to process," I stuttered, getting increasingly nervous. I wasn't sure how Weston was feeling about the fact I didn't tell him.

Weston threw up his hands in frustration. "Well, who the heck is that guy and why does he look like you?"

I gulped, no prepared to share this with anyone yet. "My twin brother," I confessed slowly, making eye contact with him so he knew I was being genuine.

His eyes widened. "No way! Twin werewolves? He's an alpha! That means you're an alpha! And how did you end up here?! And why haven't you told anyone?" He bombarded me with questions, getting a little too loud for my comfort.

"Black Hearts was the pack I was born into. There was a rogue who thought Xander and I were too powerful, so he killed our parents and took me captive. He thought he had killed me too, but I survived and was able to run here to safety," I explained in a hushed tone.

"Oh my god! You are like way more important than you let on! This is why your wolf is fucking gigantic!" He rambled until he heard Emerald approaching.

"After all this, we will go to Black Heart together, okay? I'll introduce you to my family properly," I offered, hoping that would shut him up. He squealed and nodded quickly.

Emerald plopped between us. "Eclipse time!"


Emerald finally called it quits at around 8pm when she was in a food coma. As soon as she left, I texted Xander to explain the situation before telling him we were coming over. As per Xander, he was actually excited to meet my best friend. And as per Weston, he was bouncing in my passengers seat excited to meet my biological family.

I drove to Uncle Zach's house where Xander grew up in. Now he lives in the pack house, but this house was more private. Xander and who I think was his Beta walked out of the house. The Beta rushed to Weston and passionately kissed him. Xander and I stared blankly at them, waiting for them to finish.

Weston pulled back first. "Oliver! This is Blaze, my best friend!" Oliver studied me, then turned to study Xander. Oliver's body was stiff and broad. His face was chiseled and looked permanently stressed. He had a much more serious demeanor compared to Xander and Weston.

"So it's true? You survived the rogue attack?" His eyebrow was raised at me, his arms crossed firmly. He had much more muscle compared to me, and I knew he'd be a tough match if we were to fight in human form.

"Yeah, but I have one hell of a scar on my neck now," I said lightheartedly, giving him a small, strained smile. His face relaxed a little as his eyes scanned the white marks on my skin.

Oliver wasted no time to pull me into a hug. This pack must be huggers. My face was pressed into his solid chest, allowing me to hear his quickened heartbeat. He pulled back to show off his beaming smile filled with pearly white teeth. "You probably don't remember, but we were best friends when we were younger!"

Though I barely remembered, I politely nodded in understanding. The boy looked much more happy compared to seriousness of when I first got here.

"I guess this makes switching packs easier since you'll be coming here with your best friend!" Xander clapped his hands as if everything was perfect. I wanted to scold him, but I felt the excitement grow in him as he said those words.

Weston's head swung to my direction and I internally cringed. His eyes were wide and his jaw was unhinged as he looked for the words to scold me with. "Blaze! You're switching packs?!" Weston practically cried, his facing switching from surprise to anger quickly. "You were going to leave me!" He was being dramatic, throwing his hands in the air.

I rolled my eyes at his reaction while his mate laughed, taking a moment to admire Weston's cuteness when he was frustrated. "Well, you'll be moving here too, so it doesn't matter," Oliver attempted to soothe him, placing his large hand on the boys head. Weston huffed, but didn't say anything more as he enjoyed being pet by his mate.

"Don't you love love, my dear twin?" Xander twirled around as we walked inside behind the two love birds. Xander's eyes were glazed over as looked around dreamily.

"Hey, you only got another week until your own birthday, then you'll find your mate, too," Oliver chipped in, once again breaking Weston's mind.

"Your birthday is next week?!" Weston shouted angrily. "When we're you going to tell me, Mr.?!" Oliver just chuckled and ushered his mate inside.

"Good to have you back, Blaze," Oliver commented as we walked into the living room where Lilith was sitting. The house smelled like peppermint, a scent that I've realized many of my family members had. The scent engulfed me like a hug as I stepped near my cousin. None of these people looked at me with fearful.

Smiling, looking at the people around me, I answered, "Good to be back." 

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