Chapter 63

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My mind was blank. When I woke, my brain felt extremely foggy, and I had no memories of what had happened for me to get here. I noticed my surroundings weren't what they were supposed to be. I held my breath as I glanced around me. I was sitting on a cloud, making me momentarily believe I was dead.

"You aren't dead," Quinn stated in a flat voice. I hadn't noticed him leaning against what appeared to be a tree, which startled me. He seemed calm, just sitting there looking into the distance. I stood, not understanding the ground structure. It seemed like I was just walking on a cloud but there were trees everywhere. Maybe mist?

I sat beside him, looking at what he was so focused on. Wolves. Not just any wolves, they were werewolf wolves. I could tell because of their overwhelming size. They were gathered around just playing and lounging, yet in the middle of them was a large white cloud where a woman laid. Her long black hair was in a tight braid with white flowers entwined with the strands. A silver dress was draped over her, making her dark skin seem darker.

What surprised me the most about the woman was the fact she was staring directly at us. She looked surprised to see me but didn't seem bothered by Quinn's visitation.

"Who's that?" I asked, my eyes never leaving her gaze.

Quinn's expression didn't change. He looked inexplicably tired with sunken eyes and a lifeless look. "Artemis, your precious moon goddess." His usual sass was attempting to be present, but it wasn't really working.

I kept staring at the woman, understanding that he was correct. I could feel the familiarity.

"Are we on Olympus?" I asked next. He glanced at me but didn't answer. I think he wanted to, but he was too exhausted. Once I realized he wasn't going to answer any of my questions, I stood. He didn't stop me as I approached Artemis, who walked towards me as well.

"My dear, Blazen. What an interesting surprise..." She seemed hesitant while analyzing me.

"Quinn passed out from starvation, so I kissed him to wake him up. Now I'm here," I explained shortly. The concern on her face grew as she stared at Quinn slumped on the tree.

"I see... he hasn't been eating well recently. When he gets too tired, he astroprojects here. Since incubi don't sleep, he just astroprojects his consciousness here," she sighed, petting a brown wolf at her feet.

"Why here? Why Olympus? Why to you?" She pursed her lips, a sad look crossing her face that took its sweet old time to leave.

"He doesn't start here. He starts in the Garden of Hyacinth, but he always comes here. I've tried talking to him, but he is either too tired or avoids me." My heart pained once my mind put together everything.

"His conscience goes to his father?" Artemis just nodded, not looking at me. "Does he know?"

"Apollo knows he's coming but recognizes that Quinn has no interest in seeing him," she answered with a glossed look over her face.

I looked at Quinn, one of the most powerful beings I know, being held up by the support of a tree. "So Quinn understands who his father is, and more importantly, what he is?" I pressed further, trying to wrap my head around the situation.

"Yes, he's aware, but I don't think he's accepted it. He only comes here when he's too exhausted. It only started happening recently, and I know it's killing Apollo not to interfere. It's clear to us that Quinn is killing himself," Artemis grimly explained, leaning down to pet a different wolf below her. "There is only so much we can do... I promised his father I wouldn't get involved."

"Why doesn't Apollo want you involved?" Artemis glanced at me, giving me a look that told me everything I needed to know. "You aren't talking about Apollo are you?"

She pursed her lips, focusing on her nephew in the distance now. "Elio was clear that Quinn should be free to make his own decisions, even if that decision is to not have us in his life. He made us promise that if Quinn didn't want to be involved in the God life, then we wouldn't stop him."

"But you guys did the opposite. He didn't get to decide because you guys decided to stay out of his life for him," I exclaimed, suddenly irritated with the goddess.

Artemis flinched at my words. "After Elio passed, Apollo wanted to raise him in the house Elio and he bought together. Elio's grandparents didn't agree. They were convinced Apollo was mortal and didn't give him a chance. Apollo was allowed to meet Quinn while he mourned the death of his lover, but Elio's parents were quick to convince that Quinn was better off without Apollo. Due to the grief, Apollo was easily fooled." She tsked as if she was reliving the moment.

"Apollo watched from a distance, only interfering when absolutely necessary. Like when Quinn almost was hit by a car while crossing a road when he was 8. Apollo was quick to move him out of the way before Quinn even realized what had happened. Or when Quinn was almost raped when he was 15, and Apollo stepped in then too. He's been a sort of guardian angel," Artemis explained, sounding tired.

I was about to question further, when I felt very queasy. Artemis gave me a tight smile as she watched me clutch my stomach.

"Oh, Quinn must be pulling himself back to the mortal realm. Keep an eye on him for me, Blaze?" Artemis caressed my hair, not allowing me to respond before I was shoved back into my body.

I was quick to stand and rushed to the sink before vomiting. Lyle was behind me within the second to rub his hand on my back.

"What the fuck just happened? You just fainted! You've been out for 10 minutes!" Lyle shouted at me, still rubbing my back for comfort, though.

Once I finished puking, I rinsed my mouth with water before standing up straight. My eyes landed right on Quinn who seemed perfectly fine besides looking a bit hungry. We stared at each other, having a silent conversation. I knew his secret. I knew who he really was. I also knew that he knew who he was.

After a moment I turned to my concerned and pissed off mate. "Just a side effect of the kiss. I'm sorry I scared you, baby. It's not a common reaction, but Apollo said it can happen," I reassured him. Lyle scanned my face for the lie, but I quickly pulled him into a hug before he could catch it.

"Okay..." I pulled away from my mate. "I called Felix and Henry, they should be on their way over to feed Quinn," Lyle explained. Quinn was simply sitting on the couch looking annoyed at the two werewolves beside him. Hayden was asking him questions about how he was while Alex just looked terrified.

"Let's just leave them be and head over to see Emilia and Lilith's babies," I suggested. Lyle nodded, still looking skeptical of me. Now time to see the babies. 

The Alpha of Alphas: Apollo (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now