Chapter 73

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Lyle was sitting at the counter when I entered his apartment, looking more than pissed. He scoffed instantly when he saw me. "So now you decide to make an appearance after no explanation for your disappearance?"

"The gods are fucking with our lives," I stated as I sat next to him at the counter.

He put down the mug he was holding, presumably full with the lavender tea he drinks every night. I always used to tease him about it, but now I couldn't help but love the fact I know his cute quirks.

"How so?"

I leaned on the counter, rubbing my temples in hopes of soothing the headache of tonight. "I think Quinn was supposed to meet us," I started.

Lyle gives me a curious look, not quite understanding the chaos going on inside of my head currently. "What makes you say that? I don't think that's a bad thing, though." He scooted closer to me, rubbing my back. I knew he could feel my stress through the bond.

"The toy wolf named Asclepius that suddenly appeared to me as a child to protect me? That's Quinn's wolf's name."

"Oh yeah... I thought it sounded familiar," he mused, not seeing my alarm.

"When I spoke to Artemis the other day, she said that the fates must've planned for us to cross paths. She thinks that he is meant to protect us," I explain further, feeling the sweat bead on my hands.

"You didn't tell me this part of the conversation. I thought she was asking you to protect him?"

"No, no that was last time-" I stopped mid sentence.

Lyle froze for a second, turning to face me directly before speaking. "You talked to her again?"

I pursed my lips, looking down at my feet. I nodded, slowly looking up to meet his golden eyes. "Yes, I prayed to her, and she came to talk to me. She is afraid."

"Afraid of what?"

"Of Quinn. Of his fate," I hesitated, not sure of how to word this. I stare into his eyes. "There is a prophecy not yet fulfilled that she believes involves Quinn."

Lyle scrunches his nose in thought. "Quinn and us?"

I sucked in a breath before shaking my head. "Quinn and our child," I corrected, searching our bond for his emotions.

He gave out a nervous chuckle, patting my hand on the counter. "Well that won't be for a while, so we have time." He watched me as my grim face only got grimmer. My frown turned into a grimace as I let my eyes wander to his stomach.

"No..." I closed my eyes waiting for him to freak out. "I can't be. I'm not fertile yet!" He started getting frantic, hopping off the chair to pace the room. He lifted up his shirt as if he was going to be shocked by a swollen belly, but he wouldn't be at this stage.

He turned to me again. "How- how do you even know? Why-" he cut himself off as he thought. "Quinn."

Another few deep breaths and I pulled out the paper that was stuffed in my pocket. Lyle practically ripped it from my hands. "He got your blood from one of your bloody nosed tissues," I clarified. "We can go for an official test to be sure."

Lyle collapsed on the bed, string at his bare stomach as he held his shirt up. "What do the fates want with our baby?" he whispered in despair.

I got up from my position to join him on the couch. "I don't know, but Quinn is destined to protect him. He will have both Quinn and me protecting him. I won't let anything happen, okay?" I leaned over to his stomach, placing a kiss on his abs, but I couldn't help but hear the faint sound of a heart beat.

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