Chapter 59

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Lyle's POV continued

I spent the entire walk back to the packhouse coaching Xander on how to act like Blaze. This coaching included telling him to never speak, continuously have a blank look on his face, and stand in the corner of every room. While Xander whined a bit about having to bite his tongue, he ultimately played his part as soon as we entered the house. Many people gawked at him but didn't say anything. People were more confused by Hayden, if anything. Hayden's delta scent wasn't masked, so people could easily tell that he was a wolf of stature.

We made our way to my office where my dad was discussing battle strategies with Henry's father, Loyd. They paused when the four of us entered. I'm not sure what shocked Loyd the most, Xander, Hayden, or Ace being by our side.

"You better have a good reason for this, Lyle," my father scorned, looking irritated at me. Loyd stood back, trying to observe the battle plans without interrupting our conversation.

"Emilia is going into labor, so I'd rather them here than there." I gave my dad a pointed look, and he accepted my explanation with a slight exhausted nod.

"Quinn, Joseph's brother, is crazy good at tracking down magic, so he knows where their base is at. He also mentioned that they look like they are preparing for an attack. Quinn will be able to tell us when they leave. Blaze is leading a group of his wolves to attack their base as soon as they leave in order to take out the warlock that's helping them," I inform my father, pointing to their location on the map.

"You can start shuttling the vulnerable pack members to my pack. You might want to be as discreet as possible, though. Some of my warriors will be coming here, but the rest are going to make sure your members and mine are protected," Xander pitched in.

My dad nodded, looking down at some notes that he had on positions for attack. "Does Quinn know how many wolves they will be sending?"

I pulled out my phone, rereading some of the details that Quinn told Alex. "Quinn says there are about thirty wolves in the rogue pack, but only about twenty look like they would fight. They are going to take a few witches with them to the base to take down the warlock. Alex is with them by the way."

My dad looked up for a second confused, furrowing his eyebrows. "Why is he with them?"

"I'm pretty sure Quinn and Alex are mates. Quinn wanted him to go with him and if they are mates, I don't think Alex would've been much help here worrying about him." Hayden was the one who reacted the most to this. He nearly fell over once he heard the news, tripping over one of the chairs in the room.

"How do you know that?" He questioned a little aggressively. I rolled my eyes, but kept myself from scowling at the wolf for sounding so disrespectful.

"One, Quinn knew Alex's name without me introducing them. Two, Alex was literally in shock seeing Quinn, but Quinn avoided addressing who he was. And three, Alex's comment about Quinn knowing he was a werewolf. Seems pretty obvious to me. Alex also mentioned his mate being 17 and finding it weird, and we know that Quinn is 17," I clarified, letting all the men in the room sit on that information.


"Quinn is 17? How does Alex know they are mates?" My dad asked suddenly. I opened my mouth, but closed it when I realized I didn't have an explanation to give.

I tried to speak again. "Quinn is special. Let's just leave it at that." No one questioned that explanation thankfully.

"Anyway, Blaze has requested that we try to keep the fight in the woods as much as possible. He's going to join us as soon as they take care of the base." My dad nodded at that, pointing to a good place in the woods to keep the fight.

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