Chapter 56

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Lyle's POV

Hitting the punching bag always made my knuckles bleed due to the force at which I attacked it. For this reason, I typically only used it when I needed to release pent up frustration. My knuckles were already bleeding slightly after only a half hour. After Blaze and I finally killed one of the three wolves responsible for his kidnapping, I've been running on an energy high. It made me feel alive murdering the man, watching him suffer. I have killed rogues in the past as a duty to protect my pack. It never felt particularly good or really bad. But this? This I felt good about. Like a vigilante. It also made Fallon much calmer knowing one less person who hurt Blaze is alive.

It's been an enjoyable high, but now I was coming down from it realizing that my next victim awaits. Fredrick, the homophobe, was ready to take his last breath. He has caused so much trauma amongst his own pack, and I had to put an end to it.

I knew Blaze was having mixed feelings about killing the council members. He didn't seem to enjoy it but also didn't dislike it. His wasn't surprising considering how much Blaze struggles with his emotions on a daily basis. He's always been very emotionless, a sharp contrast to his overly loving brother and cousin. However, he seemed keen on taking our next victim.

I took a hard swing at the bag, the chain finally breaking. The bag flew across the room, landing at Alex's feet. I hadn't even realized he entered.

"You trying to kill the thing? What did this poor bag ever do to you?" Alex joked, walking into the room. This was the warrior training room, but it was empty currently because they were all on guard duty.

I shrugged, not really answering. I walked over to my water and towel, picking up my towel to dry the sweat that riddled my shirtless torso.

"I never asked how your date went," I commented, focusing on my Beta now instead of the damaged bag on the ground. I also wanted to expertly dodge the question, and I knew Alex well enough to understand his weaknesses.

The dreamy smile on his face was unmissable. His teeth were showing, and his eyes looked glazed over as he thought about presumably the date.

"I think I'm in love," he sighed, sitting next to me on the ground.

"I guess it went well, then?"

His smile wavered for a second. "I'm not sure if he really likes me much, but he still went out with me and agreed to go out again. He's really sassy, but it was very humorous. He's not afraid to speak his mind," Alex rambled, still looking off in the distance to daydream.

I hummed in response, taking another sip of my water. "When are you going to tell him about the werewolf thing?"

Alex grimaced slightly at this. "I'm not sure. I feel like maybe once we are actually dating, then I'll explain it to him? A human mate is hard," he groaned, leaning against the wall.

"Trust me, I wish my mate was as easy as yours," I snorted, freezing as soon as the words left my mouth. Alex turned to me with this look I couldn't decipher.

"Are you ready to talk about it now?" Alex said slowly, as if he was scared I'd run out of the room with my tail between my legs. I sighed, leaning back on the wall too, closing my eyes for a brief moment.

"Blaze," I stated.

"What about Blaze?" Alex quipped. I opened my eyes, turning to make eye contact with my best friend. That's when it dawned on him. His face contorted in a combination of shock and confusion. "Blaze is your mate?"

I grimaced, nodding in confirmation. "Yeah, that's why it's so complicated. How am I supposed to explain to the pack that my adoptive brother is also my mate?"

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