Chapter 67

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A/N I am so sorry for the late update. I just had the most stressful week of my life. My uncle died unexpectedly, then my parents forgot to tell me when the funeral was. So I had to race home to go to the funeral (which is 2 hours away from my school). On my way back to school I found out my dog died. Then the next day my niece ended up in the hospital with a 104 fever that wouldn't break. Then may parents went on vacation, leaving my little brother home alone, and he just tested positive for covid. Now he's home alone sick and upset he's missing his first day of school tomorrow. And now my boyfriend is being a real dick. With that note, happy update!

"So you're telling me that you met the Moon Goddess?" Lyle practically shouted across my apartment from his spot on my couch. I cringed at the volume of his voice, but thankful for the soundproof apartment at that moment.

I had been avoiding this conversation for a few days. Lyle finally cornered me into explaining, just like I was expecting him to. There were quite a few things we needed to discuss, but I needed some pushing to actually talk about them. That's why I had Lyle, he was great at pushing me to talk about things even when I really really didn't want to.

"Is that really the only part you got out of this story? Not that the Greek gods actually exist? Or that Quinn is a demigod? Or the god Apollo is his father or that the Moon Goddess is his aunt?"

Lyle shrugged sheepishly, putting his feet up on the coffee table. "Well that was the most important part to me. You know, the part pertaining to my mate," he sassed back, pulling me on the couch with him.

"Sure, that just sounds like an excuse to ignore most of what I say." Lyle's eyes became playful in reaction to my teasing. I rarely teased anyone. I was always very serious, and so whenever I teased him, he got excited quite easily.

"I really don't care how weirdly confusing Quinn is. We have always known he was special, and special usually means weird. I doubt he'd want us to throw him a party for figuring out his heritage," he paused for a moment. "Let's focus on things that matter!"

I raised an eyebrow dutifully. "Like what?"

"Like your new job as head councilman!" He threw his arm over my shoulder, pulling me in even closer. My body instantly tensed but eased quickly once I reminded myself I was safe in his arms.

Shrugging, I avoided eye contact. "There isn't much to tell. Constantine has been getting Xander and I settled. You know, teaching us all the paperwork methods and getting us up to date with current issues the council is supposed to address. It's a little... complicated." Constantine was the secretary to the council, organizing meetings and helping out the head councilman with all the paperwork.

Lyle snorted directly in my ear, startling me. "It's overwhelming, that's what it is. I should tell Quinn to introduce me to the Moon Goddess, so I can give her my piece of mind about the type of stress she has put on you," Lyle mumbled in his usual feistiness, directing his words to the universe rather than me.

"Let's not threaten gods. It sounds like a bad idea, to be honest," I warned, relaxing a bit more into his arms after the little jump scare he caused.

"There was another thing I wanted to talk to you about," I said hesitantly, cuddling closer to his chest to avoid looking at him. I was nervous to talk about this, but then again, I was always nervous to actually talk about my feelings.

He rubbed my back, his fingers lingering to draw circles lightly. "Go on, babe," he encouraged, causing a shiver to run down my spine at hearing the pet name I was yet to get used to.

Inhaling deeply, I thought about how to word my sentence carefully. All that planning went out the door as soon as my mouth opened. "I'm seeing a therapist," I blurted out in a less than graceful way. It was an idea that Jocelyn brought up to me. She always had a motherly and doctorly tone that made it impossible to say no to her.

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