Chapter 15

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Blazen! Wake up!

I shot out of the hospital bed, dripping with sweat and in searing pain. Xander was calling me through our mindlink, trying to wake me up.

I was hooked up to an IV and was thankfully still in my clothes, which were drenched in sweat now.

"Sit back down, Blaze," I heard a soft voice speak. The doctor, who I still didn't know the name of, was standing at the door, holding her usual papers. I did as I was told because in all honesty, I didn't have the strength to move. "Good. So that bond we discussed has gotten a lot stronger. It's clear it isn't a mating bond, so you obviously weren't lying about that. It's killing you to be away from this person. So I suggest you go find them. The IV should've given you enough energy to do so." She sounded very casual about it, as if she was reading off any other diagnosis.

She didn't have to tell me twice. I stood up and took my IV out. After gathering my things, I rushed to my car. I wasn't expecting to see Lyle in the parking lot looking frantic.

His eyes lit up when he saw me, but I kept walking straight to my car, ignoring him. "Hey! What the fuck happened to you?!" Lyle yelled at me. He grabbed my arm which caused me to hiss in pain, but he didn't loosen his grip. He turned my arm over to examine my hives. "What's this?" He asked a little less aggressive.

I ripped my arm from his grip and gave a low growl to get him to back away. "Lyle, for the millionth time, it's none of your business." I rolled my eyes, attempting to get into my car. Key word: attempt.

"You look sick Blaze! Did they treat you? I think you should stay here," he practically pleaded, blocking my car door with his body. I squinted at him, taking a moment to try and understand his various mood changes these past few weeks.

"I had a run in with wolfsbane. They gave me an IV and sent me on my way. So let me go on my way, Lyle," I spit out his name as if it was poison on my tongue. He didn't flinch at my tone, just stared at me more intensely.

Without a word, he stepped away from my car and allowed me entrance. I hopped in, feeling weaker and weaker by the second.

Blaze, hurry!

Pain swelled in my heart before driving away. It didn't take a genius to see that Lyle was a few cars behind me, trying to follow me. I noticed a yellow stop light ahead, so I sped up to make it so he was stuck behind. In reality, I needed to make a left there, but I knew I could correct that using side streets. I quickly made one of the first lefts and then a right, now on the road I wanted. Once I hit Black Hearts territory, my claws began to poke out. I turned into the first dirt road I saw because before I knew it, I was shifting. I barely made it out of the car before I fully shifted.

I let my wolf take over, who led us right to what appeared to be the pack house. There were other wolves around, looking confused at me. Whether they knew I wasn't their Alpha yet my wolf looked like him, or if my scent was confusing, I didn't know.

My wolf whined as we felt Xander's pain more intensely. He scratched at the pack door, trying to get to Xander.

"Blaze, what are you doing here?!" Lilith rushed to me, trying to keep her voice low, but the wolves around us came to a stop at hearing my name. Lilith noticed and quickly turned to them. "You didn't hear or see anything. This information will come out when it is deemed safe," she ordered, causing the wolves to walk away. Now she turned to me. "Shift." That's all it took for me to shift.

Her eyes widened as she saw what shape I was in. I was sweaty and my extremities were covered in hives. "Shit! Let's get you inside." She ushered me in, and I didn't even need her to lead the way. I weaved through the halls as if it was my own home. I barged through a bedroom door that smelled heavily like Xander. And I was right. Xander was there with Uncle Zach and who I presume is his wife, a witch doctor.

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