Chapter 12

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I pull up to the small diner, surprised to see it buzzing with people. I smelled Xander the moment I stepped in. Scanning the tables, I saw him waving me over to a booth in the corner.

I sit across from him, a little unsure of myself. Xander instantly stands up and walks to my side of the booth to hug me again. It felt weird being hugged so much when only really Luna and Weston do.

He sat back down as quickly as he stood. "I'm glad you came!" He clapped his hands in excitement. "Ooo I almost forgot! I ordered you this!" He slid over a glass cup that contained a mint milkshake.

I gave him a curious look. "How did you know I like mint?"

He scoffed slightly, "You used to beg grandpa to let you have a mint milkshake every time we came here!" He said that as if it was common knowledge, but it made me feel a little scared. Xander knew more about me than I knew about me.

I glanced around the diner, feeling it does seem familiar. "We used to come here?"

"Every Saturday! Grandpa and grandma used to take us here for dinner so mom and dad could have a date night," he explained in between slurping up his own strawberry milkshake.

Before I could say anything else, a waitress walks up to us. "Xander! Do you want your usual?" The young girl asked, smiling brightly.

"Yes please!" Xander bubbled.

"And for your friend?" The waitress turned to me, tapping her pen against her notepad. I barely had time to look at the menu, so I picked the first burger I saw. "Okay! Coming right up!" She grinned again before skipping off.

"We are identical, right?" I questioned slowly, trying not to sound stupid.

Xander laughed and nodded. "I bet you're wondering why no one can tell we are?" I nodded eagerly, thanking the moon goddess I wasn't going insane. "Twins are uncommon in the werewolf world. Identical twins are next to impossible. But Alpha identical twins are completely unheard of, making us pretty cool," he giggled. "Something early on our parents noticed was that when we are together our faces seemed distorted, yet when you saw us separately, it was clear that we were identical. They think it's just something our bond does to keep us safe," he explained, letting the words digest into my mind.

He gave a weak smile before continuing. "That is why the rogues attacked us. Our dad's Beta didn't agree with us. We had a powerful bond, which made us unstoppable. He thought we were too dangerous, and attempted to kill us when we were toddlers. But the Delta stopped him, and the Beta was banished. Dad hadn't heard from him in years, the all of a sudden him and a few other rogues attacked us. They wanted to kill one of us. And I guess they thought they killed you." As much as I didn't want his words to be true, I knew they were.

I remember the rogues torturing me, trying to understand the twin bond. Then they slashed my neck and left me for dead, but I survived the wound and tried running back home. But different rogues found me and chased me into the Shadow Claws territory. And the rest was history.

There was a glum mood at the table, which Xander was quick to eliminate. "Do you still sleep with a pillow in between your legs?" The question was random, but I laughed nonetheless.

"Yes, I do. When did you start playing hockey?" This is how our game of 20 questions began.

By the time our food came out, we were laughing hysterically. "And then she dumped ice water on us!" Xander exasperated, laughing with me. He was talking about our cousin, who I faintly remember. She was part witch part werewolf, and from what I remember and what Xander is telling me, she was very mischievous.

"Didn't she make you pee yourself once using some spell?" I asked, vividly remembering the event. Xander nodded, and we bursted out in laughter once more. I don't think I have ever felt happier or more complete than in this moment. It was clear our personalities were very different, but we worked together nicely.

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