Chapter 28

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I twirled my keys around in my hand as I waited next to the door of the restaurant. Luna and Alpha were walking up with Weston and his family. I watched as Xander parked his car, containing Lilith and Oliver. Now all we waited for was Ace and his family.

"Is our table ready?" Luna asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts. I gave her a firm nod, which pleased her. She walked past me to speak to the hostess.

Alpha turned to me now, scanning my body as if to check if I was alright. "How did the move go?"

"It was pretty quick. Lilith used her magic to carry everything in, so I only had to make one trip myself. I'm on the 3rd floor so that would've been exhausting." I let my whimsical emotions show, allowing myself to relax. I had no reason to worry tonight.

Alpha looked relieved at my answer and body language, but didn't comment, just nodded. Lilith dashed toward me and engulfed me in her usual hug, something I still wasn't used to.

"It's been too long, cousin of mine!" She whined, pulling back, giggling. Xander and Oliver trailed behind her. I brushed her off as I watched Oliver closely. He was stiff, worry written all over his face, as he approached Weston and his family.

"Mom, dad, Macey, this is Oliver," Weston proudly introduced, pulling him close and squeezing his hand for comfort.

Weston's mom did not skip a beat before bringing Oliver in for one of her classic bear hugs. I'm not sure why people enjoy hugging so much, but I wasn't going to question it.

"You're so handsome! Isn't he handsome, Sweetie?" She turned to her husband for approval. He had an amused smile on his lips as he nodded.

Oliver stuck out his hand to the man. "Oliver, sir. Nice to meet you." He tried having confidence, but his voice wavered. Oliver's dad smiled again, and took his hand firmly in a tight handshake.

"I'm glad to meet the boy whose been destined to put up with my son's bullshit." His comment made Oliver loosen up a bit, releasing some tension in his shoulders.

Oliver returned to Weston's side, hanging his arm over the boy, clearly claiming him. Macey said nothing but hello, then stood back to analyze them. Before any commentary could be made, Ace's family wandered up to us warily. I've never truly talked to Ace's parents, but my parents were polite with them. But the way they walked up with faces of uneasiness, gave me a bad feeling. I glanced at Xander, who was attempting to give Ace a reassuring smile, but the nervousness was irradiated off of him. Maybe it was only clear to me because we have a twin connection.

"Alice, Jim, I'm glad you could join us," Alpha announced, as if he expertly sensed the tension that was starting to fill the air. Ace trudged over to Xander, who was quick to hug him and place a gentle kiss on his forehead. Ace gave a small smile, but his distaste was clear. He was uncomfortable.

I decided mindlinking Xander was the best call. What happened today? Why is it so tense?

Ace's parents are homophobic.

My eyes widened in realization, suddenly understanding the thick tension.

"We could never deny an invitation from you, Alpha," Jim politely responded to my father, but his eyes were trained on his son with a clear look of disturbance. Alpha didn't seem pleased with the answer, but didn't say anything as Luna walked out.

"Our table is ready! Perfect timing because everyone is here!" Luna announced as she began to us inside. Someone Luna got us a private room with a long table. I'm never sure how she manages these things, but I never question her ways.

The parents all sat on one side of the table and the kids on the other. I watched as Xander purposely put him and Ace as far from Ace's parents as possible. Oliver on the other hand sat right next to Macey, sparking a conversation about beta/delta jobs.

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