Chapter 60

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Blaze's POV

Quinn's eyes glowed ever since he ate the heart and never stopped. Occasionally he would murmur something, and Alex would look at him extremely concerned until Quinn would return to his normal self just long enough to scold the wolf for being too clingy. This process continued until Quinn stood suddenly to announce the wolves' departure.

The team of warriors and witches all made our way through the woods to the base. It was a small base, but enough for their miniature pack. A small abandoned barn was used to hold all their supplies. Only about ten wolves were left wandering the base, handling some cleaning tasks while the rest were off fighting. They were slightly older or injured wolves, but quite a few I remembered from my time with the makeshift pack. One of them had been Vance's Beta at the time, the one who continuously raped and tortured Joseph. I thought I'd feel remorse thinking about killing them but nothing came to me.

We had about 25 wolves and 5 witches with us. Quinn informed the witches that the warlock was sitting in the loft of the barn, so they knew where to target.

Once all the wolves got into position, surrounding the barn, I signaled them the go ahead. Whoever was outside was quickly killed, but not without warning the other's vocally. The rest of the werewolves that were inside, shifted and met us outside to fight.

I was in my large wolf form, towering over the former Beta, who had come face to face with me, challenging me. Even though he was standing tall, his tail was in between his legs and his growl wavered.

You haven't changed a bit, Sven. I'll make sure to tell Jesus that I didn't even let you have a fighting chance.

The wolf's eyes widened for a brief second before I lunged toward him, instantly snapping my jaws around his neck. He let out one quick whimper before I snapped his neck. Within a few minutes, all the wolves were lifeless on the ground.

I was about to call for everyone back, when I noticed all the witches were still in the barn. I shifted back to my human form, knowing I wouldn't fit in the barn in my wolf form, but before I could walk in, someone ran out.

I was surprised to see Ace's father running out of the barn and being chased by the witches. Once he noticed me, he ran straight towards me.

"Blaze! You gotta help me! This rogue pack kidnapped me! I've been held here for days, and they've been trying to get information on Xander and you out of me. Now these witches are attacking me!" The man pleaded with wide eyes.

I looked down at the man, noticing his attire. He was dressed nicely in jeans and a well-fitted t-shirt. He didn't have a scratch on him, not even on his wrists where I'd assume would be tied up.

"Are you sure about that?" I questioned him, feeling a sinking feeling in my stomach.

"Yes! I've done nothing wrong! I haven't told them anything or helped them in any way!" The man was frantic now, trying to grasp at me, but I took a step back before he could. I glanced at Quinn who was staring with glossy eyes at the man.

"Quinn?" I said, silently asking him the question.

"Please, I beg of you," Ace's father shouted, but my eyes were on Quinn who said the exact same words as the man at the same time. This was a difficult situation that I never thought I'd face. If I kill Ace's father, I wasn't sure if our relationship would ever recover. If I didn't kill Ace's father, it puts Ace, Xander, Lyle, Emilia, and my pack at risk. It also means Quinn will be stuck in this weird oracle state.

The witches approached the begging man, looking up at me for approval to finish him.

I grimaced, staring into the man's eyes. "I didn't know you were part warlock. I'm sorry, but you are a traitor, and I'm not putting your son's life at risk for your pitiful life."

The man grew angry, throwing his hands to attack me, but I side stepped his attacks. "This is your fault! You turned my son into a fag! Why couldn't you just stay dead?! I want both you and Ace dead! He's no longer my son! He never was! He's just a fucking Omega! Not worth feeding! That's why I turned to helping Vance! I'd never submit to you as my Alpha! Never! You are nothing but trouble!" He didn't finish his rant because Quinn threw a knife into his back, stabbing directly through his heart. Quinn's eyes stopped glowing at that moment, confirming the man's instant death.

I watched him fall to the ground, but I turned away before he fully face planted. I felt huge shame letting the man die right in front of me and not stopping it. No matter how much I didn't like Ace's parents, this isn't what I wanted.

Alex walked up to me, looking at the man on the ground, the one I refused to look at. "It was the only choice. Now we must move," he encouraged softly. I gulped, shoving my emotions back down my throat. 

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