Chapter 18

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Birthdays. Showered with presents, special activities, physical attention... everyone talking to you... being forced to talk to people. It had been a blessing all these years that I hadn't remembered it. I've lived in the shadows my whole life or at least tried too. I went to school, played hockey, hung out with my two friends, trained the pack warriors and then repeated all of that again every week. I liked it that way. Not like attention was never on me. Lyle loved attention and gladly took it away from me when he could. Though it was a selfish move, I was grateful that he was like that growing up. My first hockey game? Lyle broke his arm an hour before. Getting on dean's list for my grades? Lyle was flunking out. I made my first friend? Lyle got into a fight at the play ground. It's been going on for years. The spotlight was never on me.

Now here I was with Weston, Xander, and Oliver in a diner discussing birthday plans. "So it's a costume party?!" Xander clapped his hands violently as his legs bounced under the table. Xander squealed as he nodded his head to confirm Weston's question.

"But it's December? Like we are like a week away from Christmas. Aren't costumes a Halloween thing?" Oliver pitched in, just as confused as me. He wrapped his arm around Weston and pulled him closer. Weston looked up at Oliver with dreamy eyes, ones that almost made me want to gag.

Xander looked at Oliver as if he were a complete idiot. Maybe Oliver and I had been half ass listening to their conversation, which is why some of the dots aren't connecting. "Well Blaze can't just show up. It wouldn't take too long for people to realize we are two different people. So we are gonna dress up in costumes, so it will be less noticeable! Duh! Keep up!" Oliver yelped as Xander kicked him under the table, causing Weston to giggle at them both. Weston and Oliver really were meant for each other.

"So when are you guys thinking about completing your mating bond?" My expert manipulation skills were desperately trying work to switch the conversation away from the birthday party. Blood instantly rushed to Weston's cheeks as he hid in his mate's shirt. Oliver's expression never changed as he raised his eyebrow at his mate's embarrassment.

Oliver sipped on his water and gave a little shrug. "Well, we want to finish off school, so Weston can move to our pack. I've already got a house in the works for us. We will probably mate once we have the time to be with each other." Oliver pulled Weston closer to his chest, comforting his embarrassment.

Xander grimaced as he remembered the pain from our rebonding. "Yes, please don't be as stupid as us. Find a week you can be attached to the hip. I had to have a naked Blaze in my bed for a day just for the rash to disappear." He scratched his arm as if the itchiness was still present.

"That sounds like something mates would do, not brothers," Weston mumbled into Oliver's shirt. He peeled himself away just to eat a few fries, then planted himself there again.

Oliver snorted, glancing between Xander and I. "I'm calling bets you guys are mates. The moon goddess gets a little kinky sometimes," Oliver chortled as he patted Xander on the shoulder. I wasn't fazed by the comment because I had thought about it myself, but Xander's eyes were wide and he was gaping like a fish.

Xander threw his hands in the air and slid away from me in the booth. "I know I'm narcissistic but not enough to want to fuck myself!" He shouted helplessly, looking between me and Oliver. "No offense, Blaze," he added, making me laugh at how flustered he was.

"None taken, Brother." I sipped on the last of my mint shake, frowning when I realized there was none left.

"The party starts at 8, but get there when you can. I have great costume ideas for us!" Xander shrieked in utter excitement. His hands were balled up into a fist as if he needed some way to contain his emotions. "Ready for this? Angel and devil!" Weston gasped and joined Xander in the buzz of emotions.

"You making me the devil?" My voice was monotonous as I tried to hold back the idea of just saying no, but this would make Xander happy. I loved seeing my brother happy. It made me feel like all my sacrifices in life were worth it just to see him smile.

"Yup!" He plopped the "p" out as his grin captured his entire face. He turned his attention back to Weston and Oliver. "You know I thought Blaze was homophobic when I first met him?"

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion because this was the first I was hearing about this. I crossed my arm, waiting for an explanation.

Weston sat up straight with a serious look on his face. "God, I spent years trying to figure that out too! Once I figured out he was fucking our Beta, the conclusion cleared up." Stiffening, my eyes practically popped out of their sockets.

"How'd you know about Alex and me?" My words were meant to be sharp and demanding, but they came out weak. Oliver laughed at all of us, clutching his mate tighter.

Weston sent me a "duh" look. "He would come up and ask all nervous if he could speak to you alone. Then you'd come back wreaking of sex. I'm not a fucking idiot, but I swear Lyle is." Xander laughed now as he did not like Lyle and took any opportunity to make fun of the boy who he had never met.

"Well, I mentioned possibly having a male mate and he looked like I had two heads!" Xander exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.

Weston rolled his eyes, giving me a knowing look. "He gives anyone that look when they talk about mates," he snorted, throwing a fry at me which I expertly catch in my mouth.

I take the brief moment of silence to check the time. "We've gotta go, Weston. Luna's gonna start a search party if we aren't back soon." Weston sunk in his chair, looking up to his mate with sad eyes. Oliver growled lowly before kissing Weston on the head. Weston purred before following behind me.

"I already put your costume in you car! Make sure you're there on Saturday!" Xander called after me as we exited the diner.

Weston moped in the car, obviously struggling with the detachment from his mate. "When are you going to tell your parents? I know Oliver has introduced you to his family already." My tone was soft because this felt like a troubled subject. Weston's forehead was pressed against the car window, staring aimlessly out the window.

"I really like Oliver. I've never felt anything like this before. But," he turned to face me. I glanced from the road to look briefly into his golden eyes. "you are planning on switching packs, and you have lots to work out. Everyone will think you are switching because of me. I don't want your parents to not take your wishes seriously because of me." My breath hitched as my heart beat faster. Tears welt up in my eyes, just in time for a red light.

Swiftly, I embraced my best friend in my arms, squeezing him tighter than ever before. "Weston," I sobbed, crying tears from finally feeling genuinely loved. I pulled just far back enough to look into his beautiful, loving eyes. "I don't think I tell you enough how grateful I am for you and how much I love you," I whispered, holding back more tears.

"I love you too, Blaze."

Maybe Weston has loved me for years, but I don't think I ever truly felt the overwhelming feeling such as this from him. I finally felt deeply loved. 

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