Chapter 22

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"Are you sure we are allowed here?" Ace's question was muffled from his face pressed against the car window. We had entered Black Hearts territory a few minutes ago, and he has been entranced ever since.

Weston patted him on the back from the backseat. "I was here last night getting wasted, so I think we are good," Weston laughed as we pulled up to Uncle Zach's house. I had texted Lilith to get Xander over there for our arrival. She's great because she doesn't ask questions, she just does.

Xander was sitting outside on the porch with Lilith. He was tapping his foot as if he was annoyed to be there. As soon as I stepped out of the car, that mood switch almost instantly as he rushed towards me.

"What's wrong? Why are you here?" Xander started, but Ace interrupted by getting out of the car. "Mate," Xander whispered before pushing passed me to examine Ace. I guess I was right about something.

Ace stood there in shock, his gaze switching between Xander and me. Xander wasted no time sticking out his hand to introduce himself once he got control of himself. I was surprised he didn't tackle the poor omega. "I'm Xander!" He chirped, smiling brighter than I've ever seen before.

Ace hesitantly shook his hand, and by the way both their eyes lit up, it was clear there were sparks. "Ace. And wow you look identical to Blaze..."

Xander scoffed a bit, rolling his eyes. "I mean we are twins. But I personally believe I'm a little bit more attractive," he commented sarcastically, which had Ace laughing instantly. Perfect match.

"I was born into this pack. There was a rogue attack that left me misplaced, leading me to our pack. This is my brother, the soon-to-be Alpha of Black Hearts," I expanded, filling in some of the blanks.

Ace made an "o" shape with his mouth before turning his attention back to my brother. "Let's talk in private," Xander suggested, but he didn't wait for an answer before tugging Ace away.

"Love is magical!" Weston shouted, clapping vigorously and wiping away a fake tear.

I scratched my arm a bit before sitting next to Lilith on the porch. She looked at my scratched arms knowingly, but didn't say anything.

Lilith and I were left to our own device as Weston went off to find Oliver. Xander and Ace talked for like two hours as Lilith and I just watched TV. Eventually we looked out the window to find them making out on the porch, so I'm going to assume everything went well.

"Want to get ice cream?" Lilith finally chirped, bringing me back to reality.

"Actually, yeah. I'm craving mint chocolate chip," I admitted, trying not to stare at the new couple sucking each other's face off.

Lilith hopped off the couch and grabbed her coat. She banging on the window, startling the boys. "We are getting ice cream, so stop being horny!" Xander glared, but Ace blushed feverishly. Lilith walked out of the house with me following.

"You're just jealous you might not have a mate," Xander snickered while sheltering Ace in his arms. It was a weird sight to see Ace so willingly being submissive. He was usually so feisty and would never be caught dead in that position.

Lilith rolled her eyes at him, but I could see that Xander's words stung. Witches don't have mates, and there was no way of knowing if her werewolf side will allow her to have one.

"Two cars," I said, holding up two fingers to emphasize the point. "I should get Ace home after this. And Luna will freak if I miss dinner." Xander nodded, digging his keys out of his pocket.

Ace stopped in his tracks to grab my shoulder gently. I know Xander didn't like the gesture, but he didn't say anything. "What about Weston? Where did he go?"

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