Chapter 5

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Alex gave me one last kiss before I left. It was already 3am. I knew I smelled like him, so I'd have to take another shower when I got home. I didn't care too much once I saw Alex's instant change of mood. He was more relaxed and actually looked happy. I was glad to give him a little bit of joy to compensate for his stress.

I drove back while listening to the radio to drown out my thoughts. The lights were all off when I got home, thankfully, so I tiptoed my way into the house.

"Why do you smell like Alex?" My head snapped to the direction where the sound came from. Lyle. I had just walked up the stairs and I was only a few feet away from my door, but of course Lyle, the little bitch he was, was practically waiting for me.

I glare at him, huffing at being caught. "Why are you up so late?"

Lyle rolled his eyes at my deflection. "Can't sleep. Is this 50 questions? Why do you smell like Alex?" He practically growled, stepping closer to me. I leaned against the wall, already feeling cornered.

"He just wanted to ask me if I could talk to Alpha about the whole coronation thing. You've been getting on his nerves, dipshit," I expertly lied. My emotionless demeanor always helped when lying, especially around Lyle, who has a knack for always knowing when people are lying. But I knew my scent wasn't helping the situation.

He narrowed his eyes, trying to decide if I'm lying. Then he did the one thing I hoped he would do, he leaned down and sniffed me. That made him freeze and look at me wide-eyed.

"Then why do you smell like sex?" My face stayed neutral as I stared at him.

"Are you gonna stand here and pretend you care about my sex life?" I spit back at him, standing up straighter. I dared him to speak to me again, and I think he took it as his sign to back off because he turned around harshly and returned to his room. I let out a breath before making my way to the shower. I contemplated telling Alex about the encounter but decide against it. I didn't want to ruin his momentary happiness.


"So for today's training we are going to take notes on thing you are doing well and what you can improve on!" I announced to the omegas. They all looked a little nervous, especially Ace, who realized he's going to have to fight me or Weston today.

"Split into your pairs and start doing the basic defense techniques we discussed today!" They all scurried around to get into their groups. I could tell most of their downfalls were simply that they were clumsy. Ace wandered up to us slowly, not having the confidence he had last week.

Weston was indulged in his clipboard, taking his job way too seriously. I sighed, knowing he wouldn't let me take the board away from him. "How about you go around and observe? I'll practice with Ace," I suggest, making him perk up. He didn't object as he sauntered away to the first group. I turned to Ace who was now right in front of me. "You ready?" He gave a timid nod before getting into the first stance I taught them. I smiled a little knowing he actually listened and learned.

We spent a few minutes of me throwing punches and kicks and Ace defending them easily with the moves they learned in class.

"You're very swift. I have to admit, you've almost gotten in a few punches yourself just from being so fast," I complimented as we continued to fight. Ace blushed a little, making my heart flutter.

"Thank you," he spoke softly, continuing to fight.

The training session felt fast, and I had a feeling it was because I spent the entire time staring at Ace, who was utterly beautiful. I wouldn't say that to his face though. His personality was so similar to Alex's yet his stature was completely different. I mentally slapped myself for comparing the two guys.

Ace rushed off as soon as practice finished, leaving me to frown slightly.

I dreaded going home after the training session. At home, I've been avoiding Lyle, and I think Luna caught on. Alpha was usually oblivious to our quarrels, but Luna always knew. I don't know how, but she always did.

So of course she demanded I stay for dinner to help plan Lyle's birthday. The table was awkward as Luna repetitively asked Alpha, Lyle, and me questions and expected answers. Most of our answers were shrugs. What color table cloths? How many friends are you inviting? What type of cake? Where are we going to put gifts?

Most of the questions were for Lyle directly, but Alpha and I sat obediently. "Can you pick up the cake, Blaze?" I nodded as she jotted down the information for pick up. I felt Lyle's eyes on me almost the entire time, but I was an expert at ignoring his gazes.

After a few more questions, I could tell Lyle was getting sick of this. He stood up abruptly, leaving everyone in silence. "Blaze and I are going to go out now, if that's okay?" That manipulative devil. He knew that if he said him and I were going out, then Luna would be content. I wasn't going to disagree though. I didn't want to sit through another three dozen questions.

Luna glanced at me, and that was my cue to stand. "Yeah we wanted to go, uh, bowling. Brother bonding," I lied, standing up next to Lyle. Luna suddenly started smiling widely.

"Oh, of course! Your dad and I can figure this out on our own!" Luna clapped, shifting through her papers. Alpha gave us a dirty look, and Lyle gave him a smug face back.

I quickly pulled on my shoes and grabbed my wallet off the counter. "Great! Bye, Luna!" I shouted as I pushed Lyle out the door. I quickly got in his car. "Please go before she calls us back," I pleaded, and he simply laughed.

"Are we actually going bowling?" He asked, breaking the awkward silence. I shrugged, not really caring what happens now. "Alright, let's just go. I don't mind throwing a ball at things." His voice was rough, making me shiver involuntarily.

We pulled up to the practically empty bowling place and paid for a lane for an hour. We bowled in comfortable silence, both having terrible aim. This obviously wasn't our sport.

"So you're fucking Alex?" Lyle asked out of the blue, with amusement in his eyes. I'd rather amusement over anger.

I glared at him before throwing the ball, throwing a strike. "Do you really want me to answer that?"

Lyle snorted, picking up a ball for his turn. His throw went into the gutter. "I think I'd want know if my brother and best friend are hooking up. I didn't know either of you were into dick," he shrugged nonchalantly, but behind that mask, I could tell he was upset that we didn't tell him.

"It's nothing serious, trust me. If you needed to know about it, you would've," I shot back, not enjoying the conversation.

Lyle put up his hands in defense. "Look, I was a little mad at first, but you were right. Your sex life is none of my business. But I also know you seem to make Alex really happy. Just don't fuck with his emotions please?" He gave me a serious look, and I saw his emotions as clear as day.

I simply nodded before bowling again. 

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