Chapter 33

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Lilith dropped me off at the main office before she scurried off to see her own friends. Oliver and Xander were doing some hockey business, so they weren't there either. So it was just me.

I was wearing my usual leather jacket that covered most of my neck scars and sunglasses to cover my eye scar.

"Xander! How are you sweetie? It's been a while!" The front lady gushed, looking extremely excited. She was an older woman with gray streaks in her black hair. She was human, so she had no idea who I was. This was a fairly inconvenient start.

I walked up to the desk slowly, giving my best attempt at a smile. "Actually, I'm Blazen, Xander's twin," I corrected, taking off my sunglasses to show off my scar. She needed some proof that I wasn't just pulling a trick. The lady froze, looking extremely confused. "We were adopted into different families, but recently I moved back here. I was told to see the front office to confirm my schedule?"

The lady stared for another few moments until she snapped back into it. "Oh, wow! That's surprising! Yes, yes, I have your schedule around here somewhere. And there will be a student guider meeting you here to show you around!" She rummaged around the office, occasionally looking up to make sure I wasn't a dream. She took another minute, but finally emerged clutching a piece of paper. Once she sat back down properly and adjusted herself, she handed me the paper with my schedule on it. It was the same one they had sent me, but now it listed the classroom number and teacher.

I read over it silently, trying to let the fact that I was really starting a new school. Not that it truly mattered since I've already been accepted to college. "Oh! And there is your student guide!" A smallish guy stood at the door, a look of misery on his face as if the last thing he wanted to do was give me a tour. He wore relatively plain clothes. Jeans that fit him well but weren't too snug. A solid blue t-shirt that barely touched his skin because it was baggy. He looked so plain, yet there was something so sexual about him.

"Quinn! This is, uh," she stumbled a bit as she glanced at my paper to remember my name.

"Blazen," I filled in, reaching out my hand to shake his. The boy, Quinn, scowled at my hand, but reluctantly shook it. As soon as I shook it, I knew what he was. He was an incubus. The touch of an incubus caused a shock of euphoria. That's how Jesus was able to calm me after my beatings; he'd hold me, fueling a sense of euphoria to mask the pain. I could never forget the feeling.

I didn't react to the realization, just kept a tight smile upon my lips as the boy continued to scowl.

"Yes, Blazen. He's the student you are giving a tour to," the office lady continued to explain.

What caught me so off guard was his eyes. One was a golden and the other completely white as if blind, but the way e stared at me made me believe it wasn't. The mismatched eyes scanned me, most likely analyzing how much of a threat I am. "Okay," he finally said slowly, opening the office door for me to lead me out. I gave the office lady one sharp nod of appreciation as she waved us off. We walked down the hall in silence for a few moments.

"You look just like Xander. Brother I assume," he stated confidently. He also carried himself with an ease of confidence. I guess that's what happens when you are an incubus and know everyone wants you.

Raising a curious eyebrow at his bluntness, I glanced him over again. "And you're an incubus. Are we stating facts here?" Quinn paused walking, sending me a quick and dirty look.

"Most people can't tell I'm even supernatural when they meet me. How did you figure out I'm an incubus that fast?" His tone was sharp, and suddenly this felt like an interrogation. I ignored his question as I put back on sunglasses to cover my scar. The hallways were beginning to flood with other students rushing to their lockers. Waving the hand up that he shook, it clicked in his mind. "You've touched an incubus before, so you know their touch. That's interesting..." Quinn's guard was high, understandably. A new kid comes who has an identical twin and can tell what type of supernatural he is right off the bat.

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