Chapter 61

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Lyle's POV

I knew my plan was brilliant, but I was still surprised when the rogues fell right into the trap. The wolves approached the cabin, only for us to ambush them. There was minimal fighting and mostly retreating on their part once they realized it was a trap.

As we directed them to the clearing we wanted, there were only about half the wolves left. Their scent came back strong, indicating that the warlock concealing their scent was dead. Once we were all in the clearing, Xander stepped out of the tree-line in his human form, still wearing his sunglasses and jacket, so no matter who looked at him, he looked like the twin they were aware of.

"Nice to see you again, Vance," Xander called in a sickly sweet voice filled with challenge.

Vance shifted back into his human form as well in order to speak to Xander. The entire rogue pack, or what was left of it, was surrounded by ten times the amount of wolves. The only choice Vance had was to speak or fight to his death. Or both. 

"Why am I not surprised that you were up to this, Xander? You were always looking for revenge," Vance sneered, crossing his arms over his chest to seem more intimidating than he really was.

"I've waited patiently for this opportunity. Very very patiently, and now the Moon Goddess has rewarded me." Vance scoffed at this, almost laughing humorlessly at him.

"Reward? You think this is a reward? Revenge won't bring them back, Xander. I killed them. Me! I snapped your father's neck. I scratched your mother so hard she bled to death after carrying you to safety. I ripped Blazen's throat out until he choked on his own blood. You think killing me is a reward? You aren't winning here. I won a decade ago," Vance bragged, sounding even more vile than I imagined. It was hard holding back Fallon from attacking the man out of turn. I noticed a few wolves looking confused about the names, but they all stayed quiet.

"You truly think that Artemis would allow you to kill us?" It was a slow but menacing question. Vance narrowed his eyes, looking very impatient as he fidgeted in his spot.

"Well your entire family is dead, so yes," Vance snapped back, annoyed. Xander cocked his head with a devilish smile playing upon his lips.

"Are you really sure about that, Vance?" Xander mocked slowly, the grin now reaching both his ears, to the point I felt a little disturbed by the sadistic nature of his facial expression.

Vance narrowed his eyes, growling at Xander before blowing up. "What game are you playing right now? You have us surrounded! Just kill us! Unless you are too weak. Just like how your father was too weak to kill one of his sons himself. I had to do it for him." Xander's smile turned to a stone cold glare, just the reaction Vance was looking for.

"I'd like to give you some advice, Vance, for your future lives. Don't fuck with the Gods. They always get what they want." Vance rolled his eyes, not taking the comment seriously. "Even if what they want is making sure an eight year old lives through his throat being torn apart."

Vance froze for a second, a little stunned at the comment. "You're bluffing," he claimed, laughing slightly, but you could tell it was out of fear.

"No, I'm stalling actually." Xander shrugged.

An ear piercing growl ripped through the trees. I swear, the entire forest went quiet after hearing the low vibration. A noise that would scare any being shitless.

A giant black wolf emerged from the tree-line. Vance's face went sheet white, stumbling back enough to fall on the ground, he scrambled to his feet to place his back against the nearest tree.

"This isn't possible. You are dead! I killed you!" He shouted, crying in utter distress.

"Don't mess with the Gods' plans, Vance. It will always come back to bite you," Xander sang before shifting himself. 

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