Chapter 25

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The next few days passed by in a blur. I stayed at Weston's house, went to school, then hockey practice. Lyle hasn't shown up to school, but Alex has been sending me pity looks, which I didn't appreciate.

Finally on Thursday, I decided to go back home after Luna's pestering. As I approached the house, the strong scent was an indicator of Lyle's presence. I walked into the kitchen to see Luna cooking lasagna, my favorite. She beamed at me when I entered.

"Blaze! How is Weston?" I glanced around the room to see who was there, thankfully just Alpha at the table doing some paperwork. Lyle must've been upstairs.

I plastered an obviously fake smile upon my lips. "Good. I was helping him with our calc exam we have this week." I've learned over the years how to give short answers with just enough detail to please Luna.

Alpha was studying me, trying to understand what my next move was. Obviously, I hadn't told Luna about me leaving... and I was planning on it next week.

I opened my mouth to say more, but Lyle barged through the door. He paused in his tracks when he saw me, taking a moment to be surprised, before sitting next to Alpha.

"Mom, would you like to get lunch with me tomorrow? I have a free period," I offered, grabbing the plates to set the table. I noticed Lyle stiffen as Alpha peered up at me curiously.

Luna whipped around to face me as she pulled the garlic bread out of the oven. "Of course, sweetheart!" We used to go out for lunch together all the time, mostly when I'd have my depressive episodes. She would pull me out of school just to spend a meal with me, and these were some of my best memories with her. She would talk endlessly, then pester me a bit, then repeat that cycle. I was relieved she said yes, taking a seat at the table across from Lyle.

Dinner was awkward. Luna chatted about her book club, and Alpha asked her some random questions. Lyle and I quickly cleaned up the table, trying to avoid more awkwardness. He brushed against me when passing by to leave the kitchen, and I stiffened instantly. I felt betrayed by my body for showing any emotion towards him but also couldn't blame it.

I walked up to my room, which felt estranged after staying at Weston's house. Scanning the relatively boring room, I decided I should start packing. As quietly as I could, I pulled out a few duffle bags and began stuffing them with clothes, leaving some untouched for my final days here. Next, I moved to my desk and it's components. I found a small bin to place the pictures, trinkets, and office supplies in. I felt little attachment to most of these objects, but they were in general very useful. Now the bookshelf, filled with dozens of books and photo albums, stared dauntingly at me.

Just before I could pick up the first book I wanted to examine, there was a knock at my door. Frowning, I opened the door to see a figure that looked like Lyle, but the golden eyes told me otherwise.

"Lyle's wolf, where is Lyle?" The boy rolled his eyes and stepped into my room. I closed the door, unsure of how to feel about this encounter.

"Lyle can rot in Hell for hurting you. This kid has zero common sense," he whined, sitting on my bed. He scanned the room, looking at all the boxes, but he didn't say anything. Many wolves weren't capable of speaking. Only powerful wolves could, and being an Alpha explained this capability.

"So, why are you here?" I didn't mean for it to come put harsh, but the way his eyes flickered with sadness, it must've.

"Lyle is stupid. He plans to either reject you or just act like the bond doesn't exist. Hence why I'm calling him stupid," the wolf deadpanned. My heart broke slightly at his words, but I said nothing. "We have a strong bond. One I've never felt before. You're an Alpha. Stronger than me, for sure." This statement made me freeze.

The Alpha of Alphas: Apollo (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now