Chapter 23

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The house felt more chaotic than usual when I stepped back inside. Once I got back home, Alpha was also there discussing something with Lyle in the kitchen, leaving Alex to shouting at the television at the game results. I watched him, amused by his frustration with a game he didn't even participate in. It took him a moment to even realize I was there. So much for the werewolf senses.

"Oh hi!" Alex jumped once he noticed my presence, his hand placed over his fast beating heart.

"My room," I commanded, walking up the stairs two at a time, not even looking back to see if he was following. Rest assured, he closed my bedroom door behind me.

Alex moved some stray pieces of hair it of his face as he stood awkwardly in the middle of my room. "So, what's this all about?" He broke the silence, shuffling around in his spot. I sat on top of my desk, holding some papers. I handed them to him and he took them without question. He glimpsed through them with his eyebrows furrowed. "Why are you handing me the warrior training schedule?" He looked up at me, searching for an answer.

"I wanted to know if you could take over. If you don't want to I'll ask Macey." Like usual, there was no emotion in my offer. I just simply blinked at him with pierced lips.

Alex laughed a little, handing me back the paper. "I mean sure I can, but what are you moving or something? Buzz on the street says Weston's training the Omegas now." Alex stuffed his hands in his pockets and leaned against the wall. I was thankful this was more of a casual conversation. I just shrugged, not giving a clear answer like always.

Alex's eyes widened and his body grew ridged. "You aren't suicidal, right? Like how suicidal people give away all there possessions? I know after the rogue incident last month was tough, and I know the pack can be rough and all but-" I cut off his rambling.

"Thanks for the concern, but I'm not suicidal. It's just some other personal stuff going on." His face softened, relief spreading across his face.

He nodded, pushing himself off the wall. "Okay... if you need anything, I'm always here. Even just to talk," he spoke slowly, still not seeming convinced. I appreciated the concern on his face. It was concern I hoped Lyle would show me. I almost felt disgusted with myself for comparing the two boys. But in the back of my head, I couldn't help the voice of reason that was weeping over the fact Alex wasn't our mate. Instead Lyle was.  Because I could see myself eventually loving someone like Alex with his handsome face and kind heart.  I struggled to even envision anything of the sorts with Lyle. 

Alex reluctantly took the papers off my desk before exiting my room. 

One more thing checked off my to-do list.


The next morning I had a personal training session with Alpha. We hadn't done one in a while, and was honestly shocked when he asked for it last week. Now it felt like perfect timing.

I packed up all my items for school and even laid out clothes. Once I was prepared in my basketball shorts and athletic t-shirt, I trudged down the stairs, happily greeted by Alpha also in workout attire.

"Run first, then fight?" He suggested, stretching his arms. I did my usual firm nod, and we were off.

The first few minutes of the run were silent besides our heavy steps on the dirt and our soft pants that were visible in the cold weather.

"Weston is now in-charge of the omega training, and Alex agreed to take over the warrior training for me," I broke the silence, nerves rushing through me. Studying his face, I almost tripped on several rocks in the first.

Alpha glanced at me, slightly frowning. "So Xander, the soon-to-be Alpha of Black Hearts is the same one from your nightmares?" Even though I knew this was coming, it still felt nerve wracking and unnatural. It had been a secret for so long now practically everyone I cared about knew. Everyone besides my parents.

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