Chapter 64

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A/N Happy 100K!!! Thank you for all the support. Sadly this book is coming to an end soon. Maybe 5 more chapters left. I love all your comments. They are what keeps me going. Unfortunately, updates will be a little slow these upcoming weeks. I do some NASA research, and I have a presentation coming up that I'm trying to prepare for. But I will try to keep up! Enjoy the read! 

The babies were beautiful, and Emilia and Lilith were glowing. Lilith took much of the responsibility talking to the doctors and caring for the infants as Emilia rested. I was impressed with their very healthy relationship, even with the pregnancy disrupting it. Lilith's parents seemed extremely happy to meet their grandchildren as well. Xander apparently hadn't let their children out of his sight when he arrived, even following them to get weighed by the nurses. Ace spent 20 minutes convincing him to go back to his apartment to rest.

With all the commotion, they were still deciding on names. Lyle spent the entire time we were visiting whispering names he predicted into my ear. Some of his predictions seemed wild, but one of them I was certain would happen: the babies would take Lilith's last name. King was a strong last name, and helped the children tie a better connection with Lilith, who would be their stepmother technically.

As wonderful as seeing my niece and nephew was, I was looking forward to just laying in bed with Lyle in my arms.

Over the next week, things finally settled down. The new mothers were still deciding on names for the newborns. We visited them often. Lyle enjoyed watching over the babies as Lilith and Emilia slept. Lyle held the children so naturally and cared for them so gingerly. It was hard to ignore Apollo purring in my head, talking about how he wants Lyle to have his pups.

On Sunday, after returning from Lilith's place, Lyle and I were greeted by Ace and Xander standing in my kitchen as we entered.

"I think you have the wrong apartment," I announced as I closed the door behind Lyle.

"Is that food?" Lyle sniffed the air and let his instincts guide him to the table.

Ace smiled at us politely as he placed the pasta on the table. I was concerned at how okay he seemd after learning his father was just murdered a few days ago.

"I decided that it would be nice to all have dinner together to celebrate all the good that has happened, " Ace explained, sitting in the spot next to my brother. When I glanced at Xander with a raised eyebrow, he simply shrugged.

"Well I'm not arguing over freshly made food. Sit the fuck down, Blaze." Lyle practically pushed me down into the chair, leaving me no room to argue. Lyle served me food as Ace served Xander food. It was weird having the 4 of us casually eating.

Ace and Lyle immediately began talking about the new babies, gushing over their cuteness. Xander and I stayed relatively quiet throughout the dinner, which wasn't uncharacteristic of us. I cleaned the table as they continued to talk, only to rejoin them with cups of tea for everyone. Ace beamed at the offering, while Lyle rolled his eyes. He never liked tea very much and never understood my want for it.

"So there is something we wanted to discuss with you two," Ace finally admitted to us as I sipped my tea. He elbowed his mate, who was probably supposed to explain what he was talking about. Xander coughed a bit, choking on his tea from the shove.

"Oh yes, I forgot!" Xander put his mug down, and for once in his life, actually looked serious. "We have to decide what we are going to do with the packs." I visibly cringed at the question. I was hoping this wouldn't come up until after Lyle and I finished hunting down the council members.

Lyle tensed, but was the first one to break the silence. "We have been hiding something from you two," Lyle announced, which made me cringe again. Lyle turned to me with a stern face. "You have to tell them."

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