Chapter 27

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I woke up suddenly to people jumping on my bed. I sat up, startled by the sudden movement. Xander and Lilith were giggling with each other as they laid in my bed.

"You've been sleeping for like over twelve hours, bro!" Xander exasperated as he lounged on my bed, his combat boots resting on the bed frame.

"How did you two get in here?"

"Your mom," they both replied in unison. I wasn't sure how to feel about this, so I stared at Xander, silently asking for a better explanation.

"She fawned over us for like ten minutes. She's a hugger, like me. I also invited them to my coronation. Also told her about Ace." My eyes went wide at that last comment.

Lilith finally got out of my bed and wiped her clothes to smooth them. "Don't worry, she wasn't prying about your mate situation. Too busy gushing about Ace," Lilith explained while yanking Xander out of bed. "Anyway, your mom made us breakfast and asked us to get you!" Now it was my turn to be pulled out of bed by Lilith.

Xander threw the clothes I had left out for today at me. I was about to put them on, but Lilith simply snapped her fingers and they were already on me and my dirty ones were now in my hands. I looked at her surprised, but she shrugged. She's rarely done magic around me to the point I sometimes forget she's a witch.

Xander suddenly picked up a teddy bear that was sitting on my dresser. "Was this yours as a kid?"

"Yes." I gave him a droll stare, already knowing what he was going to do with it. He dashed downstairs, and I chased after him promptly.

"Xander! I swear to goddess!" I shouted as we ran down the stairs. Once I caught up to him in the living room, I tackled him to the couch and stole the toy back. We were both in a fit of laughter as we sprawled over the couch. We didn't even notice the people present until someone cleared their throat.

Ace was standing there with his eyebrows raised next to my dad, who was clearly amused. Xander shoved me off him, so I landed on the ground with a thump. I wasn't surprised when Xander rushed to hug his mate, despite the little audience.

"I was surprised to see Ace walking over here. I didn't realize he's Xander's mate. We are going to be losing two pack members. Whose next?" My dad laughed, but no one had a good poker face as we stared at each other, all thinking about Weston. Alpha froze, realizing our demeanor meant we knew something he didn't.

"Well... Weston found his mate..." I trailed off a bit, catching my father's attention. "Xander's Beta, Oliver, just so happens to be Weston's mate," I explained, finally standing up from the floor.

Alpha threw his hands up in defeat. "Black Hearts is stealing all of our pack warriors! This is outrageous!" He exclaimed playfully, causing Lilith to laugh with him.

We all walked into the kitchen where the smell of food was potent. Luna had practically made a feast. We all sat around the table, Ace next to Xander, Xander next to me, me next to Lilith, Lilith next to Luna, Luna next to Alpha, and Alpha next to Ace, all in a neat oval.

There were various conversations going on, mostly focused on Xander's coronation.

"So is Ace going to have a separate Luna coronation?" Luna asked as she passed Lilith some hash browns.

Ace looked a little uncomfortable, obviously still not adjusted to the idea of leading a pack, but Xander beamed at the question. "Yeah, I mean my coronation date has been set for a while, and Ace still needs time to adjust. I'll introduce him at the coronation, though!" This must've been something they discussed because Ace nodded in agreement. Luna accepted that answer and continued eating.

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