Chapter 66

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The day was sunny and bright, the opposite of what I would be expecting for our plans. Lyle managed to figure out what day the Council was holding its next meeting. It has only been two weeks since Vance's massacre, but Xander and Lyle were very persistent in getting all the revenge done quickly.

We were now driving about an hour away to the location where the meeting would be held. They alternate spots to avoid attacks, but today that wouldn't do much. Stuffed in the car was Alpha, Lyle, Ace, Xander, Quinn, and me. Thankfully Ace was pretty small, so he was just squeezed into the seats. Quinn was sitting up front with Alpha driving. They were having a pleasant conversation aside from Quinn's many comments about it smelling like a wet dog. Alpha thought he was funny despite the small jabs.

Quinn was dragged along because Ace wanted to come. Ace obviously wanted to support us, but he's not very capable of defending himself against a lot of very powerful werewolves. Quinn was recruited because he looks relatively harmless but could protect Ace very easily. Ace also trusted him ever since he saved him from that rogue attack.

I haven't had the chance to talk to Quinn about his astral projection yet, but I wanted to give him some space. He seemed to be feeding now, which is why I trusted him taking care of Ace.

"We are close," Quinn stated in an annoyed tone.

Xander poked his head between the two front seats. "We are in the middle of nowhere. No shot we are close, dude." Quinn rolled his eyes as the GPS announced that we would arrive at our destination in 5 minutes. Ace laughed loudly, clasping Xander, whose face was red.

"I'm going to park on the side of the road here and we can walk the rest," Alpha announced. Lyle groaned next to me, probably because he was feeling nervous. I could sense his anxiety, but didn't want to mention it. Instead I kept close to him. We walked hand-in-hand to the destination.

There was a large cabin in the middle of the forest with several cars outside. I knew they could sense our presence despite the already overwhelming Alpha auras from other members. There were two guards at the door who looked at us suspiciously.

"I highly doubt you guys are allowed to be here," one of them said, standing firmly in front of the door. I felt Apollo push forward and didn't struggle.

"Move," Apollo ordered using both me and Xander. The Alpha voice was so powerful that the group with us took a large step back, except for Quinn, of course.

The guards moved swiftly, cowering away from us. Apollo didn't hesitate to push the doors open with way too much force so the two of us could walk through. Apollo was in full control, and neither of us fought it.

The silence was loud as every single council member quieted. There were probably around 50 people there from all over the United States. I wasn't aware that this was a larger council meeting, but the more to witness the better, I guess. The tables were arranged in a circle to allow for fluid conversation. Wilson and Fredrick were sitting next to each other in the front of the room.

"Wilson," Apollo stated as he walked to the middle of the room with assertiveness.

"Who the fuck are you?" Wilson exclaimed, but I could see it in his eyes, he knew already. Wilson stood, getting ready to attack if he needed to.

"You tried to kill one of my humans ten years ago. He was only eight years old. You don't remember?" Apollo asked fairly calmly.

Wilcon shook his head in denial. "I would never kill a child," he declared. I heard both Quinn and Lyle snort. The rest of our group stayed at the door, probably in an attempt to avoid conflict.

Apollo pulled something out of my pocket that I didn't even know was there. The pictures. The ones of my neck ripped out and my lifeless eyes. As soon as Wilson saw what Apollo just dropped on his desk, I could feel the fear.

The Alpha of Alphas: Apollo (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now