Chapter 13

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"Just jump in! It's not even that cold!" I yelled from the water up to Xander. He was standing at the edge of the cliff, hesitantly looking over the edge. I saw him take a shaky breath before jumping in. "Woohoo!"

Xander swam over to me and splashed me. "This is you idea of a fun afternoon? Risking our lives? We are supposed to be responsible Alphas, not crazy idiots!" I just laughed and splashed him back.

It's been a few weeks since we found each other. Most of the time we hung out, we went to different places to eat or just drove around talking. We've gone to skating rinks a few times to practice hockey now that we are getting further into the season. Today, it was my chance to choose where we went, and of course I chose cliff diving when it's the end of November. The water would be unbearably cold if we weren't werewolves.

"Hey! You said I could pick! And having a little fun isn't a crime, sir Alpha," I threw back at him. He rolled his eyes before tackling me into the water. Once his skin touches mine, I feel our connection spark. I was starting to get used to it but sometimes it still shocked me.

Once we were done playing like pups in the water, we huddled under our towels on the rocks. "How's Uncle Zach handling the transition of power?" I questioned as I rubbed my hands together for warmth.

Xander snorted before answering. "On one hand, he cannot wait until he doesn't have to deal with all the responsibilities. On the other hand, he's scared shitless I'm gonna fuck up." I chuckled at his answer. From the little I remember about Uncle Zach and the stories Xander has told me, this sounded exactly like him.

"Alpha tries not to show his concern for the packs future under Lyle's control, but he doesn't hide it very well. It's clear he thinks Lyle has his head up his ass, and Alpha is hoping Lyle's mate will straighten him out," I explained, moving into the sun.

Xander chuckled just like I had moments before. "I can't wait to meet all them. They sound like characters!" I hadn't thought about Xander meeting the people who I grew up with, but I guess it will happen at some point.

"You'd love Luna. She is the most caring and strongest woman I've ever met. I've driven her completely crazy. But Lyle has driven her to Hell and back." Xander laughed harder, moving closer to me and the sun.

"I can't wait until you meet Lilith. I swear you two have identical personalities. Quiet but filled with snarky remarks, and secretly super caring and loving." He nodded to himself as if he was confirming his own comparison.

"I better get back," Xander claimed solemnly, reluctantly standing up. "Uncle Zach wants me to be present at every pack dinner leading up to my coronation so people feel like I'm being involved," he groaned, but I could tell he was excited to get back to the pack. I wanted that.

"Okay. Are we still on for dinner Wednesday?" He nodded quickly before giving me a hug goodbye. I was left by myself, but I didn't feel lonely.


I walked in the door to the house, still in my bathing suit and towel. "Why are you wet?" I jumped at the sound of Lyle's voice. Lyle and Alex were sitting on the couch watching a football game.

"None of your business," I shot back as I made my way to the stairs. Lyle stood up and stopped me. Lyle and I had been butting heads a lot these past few weeks. Instead of ignoring my presence, he started watching me like a hawk. It was irritating.

"Why are you so happy all the time now?" He squinted his eyes at me suspiciously. We begun our stare down: my piercing blue eyes against his black holes. Alex coughed a few times to try and break our silence.

"Is it a crime to hang out with friends and be happy?" I snorted, pushing Lyle back, causing him to stumble. His eyes went darker than I thought was possible as he lowly growled.

"It's a problem when you start acting like a bitch all of a sudden," he barked at me, using his Alpha voice while shoving me back. Alex was speaking to us, but we couldn't hear a word he said.

I laughed with little to no emotion, making it sound devilish. "Acting as if I'm not the trash you've spent years convincing me I am?" I wasn't sure why I said it, but I did.

His face went red and his fist went flying, but I caught it. I held his fist in place as he tried to yank it away from my grip. He growled in frustration, and I could tell this fight would escalate quickly.

"Boys!" I dropped Lyle's fist upon hearing Alpha's voice. We both turned to see Alpha standing next to an out of breath Alex, who must've ran to get Alpha from the pack house next door when he couldn't stop our bickering.

I thought Alpha would be staring in disappointment, but instead he simply stared curiously between us, as if he was trying to figure something out.

"Lyle, my office, now," Alpha commanded. Lyle scurried away, but continued to glare at me. Alpha glanced at me, wanting to say something but doesn't.

Alex tried to speak to me, but I ran up the stairs before he got the chance. Lyle ruined my happiness any chance he got. The more time I spent here, the more I realized I don't belong. 

The Alpha of Alphas: Apollo (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now