Chapter 29

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I love all the comments! I love reading through them! They make me laugh and smile so much. So feel free to comment:)


Luna made a farewell breakfast for me the next morning. Her and Alpha sat down and ate with me, chatting about how exciting everything is. My mom was already starting to plan Ace and Weston's coronation. She even called my uncle to get in touch with my aunt about the plans. I was glad she was getting involved with Black Hearts. It made me feel like I wasn't really leaving her behind, not that she would let me.

Once I got to the pack house, I made sure to wear a high collar and my sunglasses to cover my scars again. Xander was in the kitchen with Hayden and Oliver when I walked in. I was thankful no other members were there to see the twins in full glory.

Xander knew I was there before even seeing me. We could sense each other fairly well, sometimes it creeped Oliver out. Xander pulled out a chair next to him at the table they were sitting at. The two boys looked confused until they says me approach them.

"Bruh! How do you always know?! It's scary!" Oliver whined, chewing aggressively on a piece of bacon. Xander shrugged, not answering him. I sat next to Xander, watching Oliver sloppily eat his food.

"I hope you don't eat like that in front of Weston," I commented.

Oliver rolled his eyes, stuffing more bacon in his mouth. "Goddess no! He'd have a heart attack. That boy is the neatest person in existence," he mumbled.

Hayden's eyes haven't left me since I made my first appearance, so I finally made eye contact with him.

"You two really are identical, huh? How do you tell each other apart?" Hayden asked curiously, staring between us.

"Easy!" Oliver shouted. "If Blaze takes off his jacket and sunglasses, then he looks 100 times more badass than Xander." Hayden's stare got more intense as he was trying to decipher Oliver's words.

I didn't appreciate being called out like this, but I didn't have much of a choice. I shrugged off my high collared leather jacket to reveal the claw marks across my neck. Then I took off my glasses and folded them neatly onto the table. Hayden didn't even attempt to hide his surprise as he openly stared at my scars.

After a moment of gawking, he finally composed himself. "Oh yeah, definitely more badass than Xander," he agreed giving me a small smirk, making me blush slightly. He raked his eyes over me, furthering my blush. I tried not to show any emotion, but I couldn't help but be frazzled by his behavior. Was he flirting with me?

"So did Lyle ever make his final decision?" Xander asked me in a soft tone, leaning in close as if to make it more private.

I shook me head slightly. "I called him, and left a voicemail last night. Considering he hasn't called back nor did he say anything before he left... my guess is rejection." A pain flowed through me to Xander. I could tell he was trying to take some of it away from me so I wouldn't have to bare it by myself. "I'm not really upset, though. We would've been a bad match. It would've been awkward to explain to people. And I certainly didn't want to stay in that pack." Xander accepted that answer, and leaned back to continue whatever conversation he was having with Oliver and Hayden.

I leaned in closet to Xander, finding comfort in his presence. Our magnet necklaces that I almost forgot about snapped together, scaring all of us. I pulled back to disconnect them as all of us were still a little spooked.

"Oh finally! A relative that doesn't annoy the shit out of me with their stupidity!" Uncle Zach announced as he sauntered into the room, his mate, Jocelyn, trailing behind him with a bored expression. He reminded me of Alpha a lot with his attitude.

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