Chapter 55

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Since Alex had a date on Saturday, Lyle and I had to wait until Sunday night for our hunt. Lyle had gotten the addresses of the three men responsible for my kidnapping and murder through old Council files. We were starting with my favorite: Kenneth Lam. He was the most passive of the three, just following whatever Wilson and Fredrick ordered. However, he was also the one who murdered a teenage girl he got pregnant. I had many ideas on how I wanted to mutilate him in a similar fashion as he did to the girl.

I asked Lilith to hide our scents. She didn't ask any questions, though I doubt even if she was curious she'd have the energy to. Emilia was ready to pop any day now and Lilith has taken it upon herself to prepare everything for the babies' arrival. It has exhausted her extremely, which I don't blame. When she came to my apartment, she casted the spell on Lyle and me and then was quick to leave again, mumbling something about having to return something at Buy Buy Baby. Though she was exhausted, this was the happiest I've seen her since we met a few months ago.

Lyle was the one driving because he knew where we were going. It was about a 45 minute drive, which was spent in a comfortable silence for the majority of the time. It wasn't until we entered the pack's territory that Lyle turned his attention to me.

"Do you know what you want to do? Do you want to question him first?" Lyle looked concerned, which was surprising because normally he loves just going with the flow.

I pursed my lips, glancing back to the backpack I brought. "He lives alone since his mate died a while back. I just want to ask him a few questions first. I want to kill him the same way he killed that one girl." Lyle hummed approvingly at my plan.

"I'd love to gut him. I've been thinking about it a little too much." He blushed, looking toward the road in embarrassment.

"It's okay to want revenge as long as you don't let it get the best of you, okay?" Lyle nodded, but didn't say anything as he drove up to the house. It was decently secluded from the other houses, sandwiched between forests.

I grabbed my bag from the back and we quietly got out of the car. We approached the house with all our torture tools. "How are we going to get in?" Lyle whispered next to me.

I walked up the patio to the front door. "By knocking." Lyle looked bewildered, but scrambled after me as my knuckles hit the door. The lights were on and I could see the television moving from the window. I listened carefully for the footsteps inside to approach the door. Within a minute, a man opened the door. He looked in his early forties, meaning he was probably in his eighties due to the werewolf genes.

"Can I help you boys?" A shiver ran down my spine at the sound of his chilling voice. He thought we were human due to our scent, so I forced a fake smile on my lips.

"Yes, Kenneth, I think you can answer some questions for us," I responded, pushing myself through the doors with Lyle in tow. Kenneth's eyes furrowed, but didn't look too threatened by us.

Lyle seemed to get the hint of how we were going about this, so he plopped himself on the couch that faced the television. "Nice, I love The Titanic. I'm not sure I'd want it to be the last thing I ever watched, but it's decent," he yawned. Kenneth narrowed his eyes at me as I leaned against his wall. He stood in the middle of the room, looking confused and irritated.

"I assure you, I am a lot more dangerous than I look. Can I help you boys before you do something you regret?" Kenneth snapped at us, but we didn't react.

"Depends, is there something you regret in your life?" Lyle returned.

Kenneth scoffed at him. "No, I don't regret any of my decisions in life."

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