Chapter 35

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A/N I think there are going to be some mixed opinions about this chapter. I wasn't even sure if I was going to leave this in, but the way I continued the story, I think it added a lot value. I also wasn't going to update, but then I was reading some of the comments and just knew I had to. You guys are so nice! It has been making me smile way too much. 

*Contains smut

Apollo's POV

Sneaking out of the house was much easier than I thought it would be, but considering how it was already 9. I guess everyone was preparing for bed. Xander was occupied with Oliver and Zach, making my job at avoiding them easy.

Once in the car, I fumbled around trying to remember how it worked. I usually tuned out when the boys were driving, but to my relief, it felt like second nature to my body. A car accident was the last thing I needed right now.

Before going to the hotel, I stopped by a pizza place down the road and picked up a pesto pizza pie knowing it was Lyle's favorite, so hopefully it was Fallon's too. Fallon had texted me the room number, this time with Lyle's phone, but I wasn't expecting the hotel to be so fancy. The lobby was filled with red and gold shiny things that caught my attention. I ushered myself along, trying not to get too distracted. I rarely had full control of a body in human form, but Blaze was letting me. The room was on the sixth floor, so I took the elevator up, which was painfully slow. I could've slaughtered five rogues in the time it took for it to go up one floor.

As I walked down the hall, the pheromones hit me. Shit. This was going to be a lot harder than I thought. Being perfect mates is a lot stronger than partial ones. I was hesitant to knock at the door, but Fallon must've sensed me because he opened the door before I could. His big doe eyes looked wide at me before yanking me into the room.

"You brought pizza?" A mischievous smile played at his lips as he glanced down at the box. This was the first time I've seen him in weeks, and I couldn't help all my emotions from rushing in.

I nodded, not trusting my words. The room was very large with a king sized bed in the center with pristine white sheets. The bathroom was larger than my one at home, impressing me further. I put the pizza down on the small table, turning back to my mate who looked extremely uncomfortable, though he tried to hide it. Sweat beads ran down his face despite the cool temperature in the room. He kept pulling at the collar of his t-shirt as if it was strangling him.

"How are you feeling?" I hesitantly took a step towards him, his cheeks blushing immediately.

"Um, just hot and clammy, I guess," he admitted, yanking at his collar again. His gaze met mine before he spoke again. "Happy you are here, to be honest." I couldn't help the smile that grew across my lips at his confession. This made him blush further. I really have never experienced this with any other mate. Even the ones I loved more than life and died for. The emotions just came so easily around him unlike the others where I had to try so hard. 

I took a few steps forward until I was right in front of him. He looked up at me sheepishly as I placed a hand on his forehead. "You are burning up. Let's get you into a cold bath, okay?" I suggested tenderly. He nodded, following me into the bathroom.

I leaned over the bath, setting it to the coldest settings as it started filling the tub. I turned to Fallon who was awkwardly standing at the door. I beckoned him in before I closed the door behind him. He was blushing intensely now, avoiding eye contact with me. And goddess be damned was he so fucking cute.

After I gripped the ends of his shirt, he finally looked at me. I lifted the shirt above his head, feeling it was damp from the sweat. Though he was completely ripped and had nothing to be ashamed of, his face turned a deeper shade of red when I took a moment to rake my eyes across his body.

The Alpha of Alphas: Apollo (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now