Chapter 49

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A/N I LOVE all your comments. Every time I see a new commenter, I want to update. I appreciate all the support :)

*Back to Blaze's POV*

I was stressing over cooking food for my parents and mate, and Quinn wasn't making my anxiety any better. He has spent that past half hour on the phone with me complaining about werewolves as if I'm not one myself. Anytime I mention that little fact, he brushes it off. And the only reason he was talking to me on the phone instead of just coming over is because he claims he can't stand being surrounded by hundreds of werewolves.

As I was checking the lasagna in the oven and preparing the garlic bread, Quinn continued his rambling. "Wolves have no common sense! And they are so touchy! Why are they always trying to touch me when I'm so adamantly avoiding touching them? My touch could give them the wrong impression! What if they think I'm their mate because of the euphoria they feel?!"

I put the phone on speaker so I could cut the bread. "Quinn, our wolves tell us who our mate is, and you'll smell really intense. It's not a feeling you could mistake, and if they do, their wolves will tell them they are wrong."

Quinn scoffed, mumbling under his breath some more. I irritatedly took out the plates. "I know you aren't werewolves' greatest fan, but you've coexisted with them for a while. This is the first time you've deeply complained about them. Are you gonna tell me what happened for you to be so obnoxious now?"

He huffed over the line. "See, this is why you are the only wolf I can tolerate! You actually have a brain!"

I waited a moment to see if he would continue but he didn't. "The witch cult you grew up in also worshiped me, so you gotta like me. Now come on, spit it out," I encouraged. I waited for his response as I set the table for four people.

"Ugh, fine! I was at the park in no man's land with my human friends because, ya know, I like them better. They acknowledge they are ignorant, unlike you wolves," he started.

"Quinn, just get on with it," I ordered.

"And I was just having a grand old time, minding my own business! We were drinking lemonade at one of the picnic tables, and I noticed this werewolf staring at me! He looked like he was going to jump me or something!" He yelled over the phone. I was thankful it wasn't near my head because even with it being a yard away, his yelling hurt my ears. "I sent him a few disgusted looks hoping he'd back the fuck up but nope! He came up and talked to us! And my human friends were all over him saying he was hot and stuff, but the guy just didn't take the hint I was not interested. And then he tried touching me! I stormed off as soon as I could! He's stupid not to realize I'm an incubus! You horny wolves!"

I took out the lasagna to cool as he ranted. As much as I loved Quinn being so enthusiastically uninterested in werewolves, he was just so damn passionate sometimes it made him blind.

"Quinn," I sighed, leaning against the counter. "You are an incubus," I started.

"Thanks, Captain Obvious!" He cut me off.

"Which means you can see bonds," I stated. The line went quiet after I said that.

"I know that, idiot." I could tell he spoke through gritted teeth by his tone. I think I just hit the nail on the head with my assumption.

"So? Is he mated to you or is he your source? Don't leave me hanging here." I placed a flower centerpiece in the middle of the table. It was courtesy of Lilith, who has been in a particularly good mood with a mate and now adoptive child on the way. Uncle Zach and Aunt Jocelyn have been iffy about the situation, especially knowing that the child is Vance's, but they've managed to be supportive enough. They were just happy that Lilith was happy, and they could never be upset with Emilia since it was completely out of her control.

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