Chapter 30

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When we got back, I immediately went back to my apartment to shower. It was my first time using the shower, which was pearly white. It felt weird dirtying it, but I had to break in the place at some point.

Xander had told me he called a pack meeting to reintroduce me to the pack. To say I was nervous was an understatement. I pulled on black jeans, a white shirt, and a green flannel. My usual outfit. Xander said to just dress casual, so I complied.

I met Xander and Uncle Zach in the Alpha office around 5pm, a half hour before the meeting.

"They will be so excited, I'm sure of it. We will try and answer all their questions, but not too many to overwhelm you," Xander reassured me after picking up on my emotions. Uncle Zach nodded in agreement.

"I can't see why anyone would see this as a negative thing, but I'll handle whatever may come up," Uncle Zach promised, patting me on the back. He checked the time and sighed. "Jocelyn and Lilith won't be coming. They are stuck in an emergency surgery, but we should get going."

Xander practically dragged me down the hall to the pack hall. Once we were right outside the doors, he paused. "Stay here until I introduce you, okay?" I nodded, too nervous to verbally answer. Will they consider me a no good rogue, too?

I stood at the door, listening to Uncle Zach quiet down the crowd. One person from each family was in there to gather information to spread amongst the pack.

"We called this meeting to reveal very important and sensitive information," Xander started. Whispers erupted, so Xander waited a moment until everyone calmed down before continuing. "As you all know, I was born along side a twin brother, Blazen." The whispers got louder, but Xander powered through. "For years, we've been under the impression Blazen died at the hands of rogues ten years ago. However, two months ago it was revealed that he actually managed to escape and find refuge at the North Starlight Pack," Xander revealed, leading to the crowd to erupt with conversations, gasps, and even some crying strange enough.

Now. Xander commanded.

I opened the door slowly and walked out in front of the crowd. My eyes were trained on my brother, too scared to face the pack, but I didn't let that fear show on my face. Xander pulled me next to him, wrapping an arm around me. 

"My identical twin brother has returned to us after many years of being lost!" Xander was smiling, squeezing my shoulder. To my surprise, the crowd began cheering. I looked up to face them, looking into the eyes of a pack who looked back at me with not hatred, but love.

We allowed the crowd to settle for a moment before continuing with the little speech. Xander nodded toward me, signaling for me to speak now.

"Good evening, everyone. I'm Blazen, if you are not familiar with me. I was raised in the North Starlight Pack about 20 miles from here. I'm very grateful to be welcomed back into the pack after years of absence," I announced, stuttering over a few words. "Xander has agreed to restore my connection to the pack once he is Alpha. I will be assisting in training by the pack warriors as that was my role in my other pack. I look forward to acquainting myself with all of you, and possibly training some." My words were direct, to the point, and answered the majority of their questions.

I stepped back, allowing Xander to speak again. "If there are any questions or worries, please speak to either me or Alpha Zach. We will do our best to resolve any issues. I hope you understand that this is sensitive information, and we are trying to keep this within the pack in case of another rogue threat. Thank you for coming out tonight. I hope to see you all at the coronation!" And with that, Xander tugged me out of the room as the crowd erupted again with a mixture of reactions.

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