Chapter 3

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I was surrounded by anxious omegas chit chatting about how their first training session was gonna go. I could tell they were timid around me by their awkward glances in my direction only to look back at the ground. If they were like this with me, I can't imagine Lyle and his vicious attitude.

Weston approached me rocking purple bags under his eyes. No matter how tired he looked, his hair was still styled perfectly and his matching work out outfit looked recently pressed. He was always pleasantly put together and neat. I think that's why I liked him so much; he was completely and utterly predictable. I enjoyed things in my life that were unchanging. Things that wouldn't leave.

Once Weston was next to me, I clapped my hands, getting everyone's attention. I made a point to smile big, even though it was only 8am and I wasn't in the mood remotely close to happy. Luna reminded me several times to be extremely friendly to the omegas before I left this morning.

Though I was normally rather stoic around most people, I didn't mind the change of attitude around the omegas. I made myself cold over the years so people wouldn't ridicule me. If it didn't get to me, it wasn't fun. But omegas never said anything to me, and for that I didn't feel the need to put up the act.

The omegas settled down and looked up at me. I saw several familiar faces that also helped my mood. "I'm Blaze, the trainer for our pack!" I announced, speaking loudly for the ones in the back. Omega hearing wasn't as good as other members, so I was conscious of my volume. "Next to me is Weston of delta blood." I gestured to Weston who gave a goofy grin and salute. "This is the first lesson of your training course! The class will mostly be focused on self defense, so you guys can stay safe. I recognize many of you from school and others from around the pack. I don't know many of your names, but I'll be making an effort to get to know you all," I explained, keeping a smile plastered on my face.

I noticed several omegas relax at my friendliness, which in turn made me relax a bit. "Today will be split into two parts: one where we go over defense positions and stances, and the other where we do some friendly fighting to see where your skills are. In the other weeks, I'll be noting what each person is doing well and also what they need practice on. Then I'll give you that feedback the following class." They looked a little uncertain, but I decided to keep going with my introduction. "Weston is here to be my punching bag as well as help you guys with form." This earned me a laugh or snort from a few of them. "Let's get started!"

We spent the next half hour demonstrating defensive moves and why they work using my knowledge of biomechanics. Many of the omegas looked interested, which sparked some joy in me. Weston seemed to be enjoying himself just fucking around with me. We then spent time having them try and mimic the moves, and surprisingly, majority of them did it perfectly. Weston and I fixed a few stances, but only minor adjustments. None of them seemed to feel uncomfortable around me, but I also asked before touching them. Consent is key for making people feel comfortable. From someone who has fell victim to nonconsensual touching, I understood this importance.

We had them get into pairs and do some light fighting while Weston and I observed. Weston, the neat freak he is, had a clipboard with everyone's name. We walked around each pair for a minute, observing their individual skills. Were they slick? Could they throw a mean punch? Were they predictable? Using our mind link, we were able to get a detailed profile of everyone without having to speak out loud. Some people clearly hadn't done any of this before. Some people had some skills that they needed to harness. But only one person truly impressed me.

"What are your names?" Weston asked as we observed a pair. The boy that caught my eye was petite, but he had a decent amount of muscle on his abs and biceps. His blue eyes held a hint of wildness unlike the shyness in the other omegas.

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