Chapter 70

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As we waited in the car for our mates, I couldn't help but feel nervous. I wasn't even that nervous considering Lyle and I have done everything but have me top him during sex. Though, Xander's nerves were enough to set me off. His leg was bouncing in the passenger's seat, and his forehead had small beads of sweat forming. I decided not to mention it.

It wasn't long until Lyle and Ace made their way out of the pack house, laughing together. Lyle was wearing one of my leather jackets, which made Apollo more than happy.

I popped open the car door and was quickly met with a chaste kiss from my beautiful mate. "I like the jacket," I whispered into his ear. His smirk grew large as he straightened the leather out.

"You've got good style." I hummed in response, wrapping my arm around him as we walked back to the car. Xander looked like an infatuated puppy as he fawned over Ace, who was also in a stylish outfit that I had no doubt Weston had input on.

Once we settled in our seats, me driving with Lyle in the passenger seat and the other two in the back, I started driving to the restaurant.

"You still haven't told us where we are going after this. You didn't even let us pack our own clothes. A little sus if you ask me, right Ace?"

"Right!" Ace shouted quickly to complement Lyle's words.

"Our cabin, located at the edges of pack lands," Xander explained quickly.

Lyle raised an eyebrow instantly. "Why all the secrecy over a cabin?"

"We needed to clean it up and make some renovations. We didn't want you two snooping," I retorted. Lyle threw his arms up defensively but didn't defend himself verbally.

We arrived at the restaurant just in time for our reservation. The restaurant was on the fancy side and served lots of meat, which seemed like a good choice.

Once we sat, Ace and Lyle immediately started discussing some pack business. Xander and I were surprised at their ability to work together so well after starting off on a bad foot. It was an unnatural Alpha and Luna pairing, but they've made it work.

The packs were quick to adjust to the new rulers, the Black Hearts a little slower but still faster than expected. They just weren't familiar with the two like my pack was, who were already expecting Lyle to be Alpha anyway.

Dinner was quick, and mostly filled by our talkative mates. Xander was still obviously nervous, holding Ace's hand tighter than usual throughout the night. His anxiety made driving to the cabin a little more nerve wracking than it needed to be.

When I parked in the dirt path outside of the cabin, Lyle seemed eager to get out. He was the first to open the door and rush inside. Xander and I got the overnight bags out of the back as Ace caught up to Lyle to investigate.

Lyle already had his hands on some pop tarts that we stocked in the cabinet by the time we entered. He handed Ace a piece, who happily accepted the treat.

"How many rooms are in this place? It's like ten times bigger than Alex's cabin." Lyle's mouth was stuffed as he spoke. He seemed more focused on looking through the cabinets than the rest of the house.

"It's three floors and a basement. There are three bedrooms and two bathrooms on the second floor and two bedrooms and one bathroom on the third. The first floor has one bedroom, but it's mostly used for storage right now," Xander explained in detail. Ace appeared to be the only one listening to his words unsurprisingly.

"Let me rephrase that, which rooms are we taking?" Lyle elaborated, picking up his bag from the pile we carried in.

"There is a master on the second floor and one on the third, both with connecting bathrooms."

The Alpha of Alphas: Apollo (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now