Chapter 53

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A/N Since a few of you asked me to update, I couldn't say no. So here is an update :)

Quinn couldn't walk. He was in complete mental and physical shambles in front of Lyle and me. He was muttering under his breath while fiddling with his pocket knife he always kept with him. I decided to just carry him since he wasn't very large. He was a year younger than us and only came to about 5"8 in height, which was far shorter than Lyle and I. Although, something told me he could take care of himself in a fight if it came down to it. He's incredibly smart, so he wouldn't have such a sassy personality if he couldn't deal with the consequences.

As we walked down the stairs with a babbling Quinn in my arms, Lyle continued to ask me various questions with a voice of worry. It was a tone he usually reserved for me and our parents, so it was odd to see him concerned with someone he just met.

"Lyle, he'll be fine," I tried to settle his nerves as we made our way through the pack house. People gave us strange looks but didn't dare say anything. Most glanced in confusion, then turned away quickly.

"He's just so... small," Lyle whispered to me, eyeing the other wolves cautiously.

We made our way down the first floor, dodging passing people. I glanced down to the small boy in my arms, acknowledging that he did look more vulnerable than normal. We were almost out of the house, nearing the exit when Hayden entered. He was about to make a snarky comment when he saw Lyle, but snapped his mouth shut when his eyes landed on Quinn.

His eyebrows knit together. "Who the fuck is that?" Lyle looked annoyed at Hayden's question and with the interruption.

"Aren't you like fucking his brother and you don't know who he is?" Lyle hissed at the Delta, making Hayden blink down at the boy in my arms.

"Joseph has a brother?" Hayden questioned with slight confusion. Lyle let out a frustrated sigh, pushing Hayden out of the door frame so we could walk through. Hayden followed us, much to Lyle's dismay. "What happened to him? Like why are you carrying and why is he acting like he's high?"

Lyle and I just kept walking, me in the lead to walk to a nearby clearing. "None of your business, Hayden. Now fuck off," Lyle sneered. Hayden hesitated, glancing at me with eyes full of confusion. I didn't bother to express any emotion back because he wasn't my main concern at this point.

I sighed as we started walking through the trees. "It's nothing you have to worry about, Hayden," I said in a softer tone than Lyle, of course. Hayden looked conflicted, but Lyle seemed pleased with my words. Hayden decided to turn around and head back to the house.

After a few more minutes of walking, we found a clearing toward one of the borders. I knew not many wolves ventured over here, so it was safe for what I had planned.

I placed Quinn down on the grass, leaning him against a tree. His eyes were completely glazed over as if he was in a trance. Lyle was quick to rush over to him, cupping Quinn's face in his hands.

"Is he part wolf?" Lyle asked, staring into Quinn's half-lidded, glowing eyes. I crouched down next to the incubus, studying him.

"Yeah, his father was half wolf. It seems like our Alpha energy was enough to wake his wolf. That's why he's so glazed... he's having an internal battle with his wolf," I explained as I watched my mate tenderly care for my friend. I lost my train of thought for a moment to fall even more deeply infatuated with Lyle.

"Are we here to walk him through his first transformation?" I nodded, finally focusing back on the situation. "Okay, let's get some of his clothes off then," Lyle ordered, starting to lift the boys shirt off. I waited to feel jealous, but it didn't come. Apollo was too enamored by Lyle's selfless concern for the boy he just met.

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