Chapter 48

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A/N I think angry Lyle is a little sexy... I also have some Daddy issues so don't mind me:)

*Lyle's POV

I was never one to find killing particularly enjoyable. As an Alpha in training I've killed my fair share of rabid rogues, but never anyone part of a pack with a family and job. Yet ever since I've got a hold of the names of the people who ordered Blaze's death, all I can think about are the ways I was going to torture them. Fallon didn't help my homicidal tendencies either because every so often he would pitch in a twisted idea.

The thoughts have kept me up at night for days. I've seen Blaze a few times during the week, but every time I saw him the thoughts just became more intense. The more I saw him, the more our bond grew, and the deeper I fell in love with the boy I grew up with.

I've now constructed a perfect plan to attack each of the three wicked wolves. I knew I should start with the weakest link. I wanted the last one to be Wilson Wager. I've done hours of research on the three wolves. Kenneth seems to be the most passive. He just kinda goes along with what Wilson and Fredrick say, but when I dug deeper into his history within his pack, he's extremely aggressive and nasty. Many of his killings of innocent wolves have been covered up by the council. There was a teenage girl that was mysteriously killed that some people claimed was pregnant with his pup and he murdered her. I managed to find pictures of her body, and was horrified to see her insides ripped out from her vagina. He would be my first victim. I planned to murder him in a similar way he murdered that girl.

The other wolf, Fredrick, had little complaints form his pack besides being outwardly homophobic and classist. He apparently treated omegas like slaves and used various slurs. He was aggressive with his opinions within the council, and sadly, Blaze wasn't the only child he supported murdering. He suggested all male omegas be murdered as soon as they were born because they were destined to have male mates. Thankfully, that idea was shot down. However, it did have the support of Wilson.

Wilson has been the Head Wolf of the council for almost 30 years. Every person who has challenged him for the spot has mysteriously disappeared before the challenge. The more I researched his political history, the more sketchy it got. Wolves disappearing or showing up dead was a very common occurrence. One of those even being his own son who had just found his omega, male mate. He'd spoken openly about Apollo before the council, too. Spreading fear amongst the elders about the possible uprising. Many people were actually for the murder of Blaze even though there was no confirmation of who his wolf was. I was going to save Wilson for last. I want him to be scared. I want him to be psychologically tortured. I want him begging for mercy that he won't receive.

I forced myself out of bed before I started daydreaming about torture again. Blaze hadn't brought it up in the past few days, now more focused on Emilie and tracking the rogue pack, who I'd also like to get my murderous jaws on. They managed to convince Emilie to talk to the witches and now they have their location so the witches can track their every move. It was a little disturbing to learn that there were quite a few witch cults obsessed with Apollo, but I kept my opinions to myself.

I hated having to wake early to do the warrior training sessions, but now that Blaze was gone, it was Alex's and my duty to train the warriors. That meant waking up at 5am to get to the clearing by 5:30 and then train for an hour and a half until I had to rush back home and shower before school. It had been the major reason I cursed Blaze for leaving, especially because these wolves did not know how to keep their judgmental mouths shut. They often criticized the way I set up the training session, comparing me to Blaze too often for my liking. And then on the other hand, they would make snarky comments about Blaze abandoning the pack. They kept them low for the most part, but they were slowly irritating me.

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