Chapter 6

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"So is the party like casual wear or like fancy?" Weston asked me, leaning against my locker preventing me from getting my books. I could've easily pushed him away, but I chose to indulge him.

"Uh it's fancy. Luna made me and Lyle get suits," I explained as I pushed him lightly to the side. He groans a little, but I knew he was secretly happy about it. He loved looking good and dressing up. "Before you ask, yes I'll come over to help you pick out an outfit." Weston immediately started grinning before hugging me tightly.

"This is why you're my best friend," he mumbled into my shirt. I hummed in agreement as I smelled a familiar scent walking near us. I turned to see Ace with two of his human friends walking past, giggling at something one of them said. We made eye contact, and he held it for a second before he turned back to his friends.

"Seriously dude, what's with you and that boy?" Weston joked, breaking me out of my trance.

"I don't know, but there is something about him that makes me feel like he's going to be important somehow," I answered, picking up the last of my books to head to class.

The day was quiet, unusually so. Emerald skipped school to go shopping with her mom. Apparently they are trying to spend more time together before she goes off to college. I, on the other hand, haven't really thought about college. Though I know my parents want me to go, it just feels wrong to leave the pack, even if most of them hate me. I was a pack guy, despite it all. Maybe I felt this way because I was once a rogue.

Weston and I sat alone at our usual lunch table, basking in the silence. We were those type of friends who didn't need to talk to be content with each other's presence. The silence was broken by some laughter behind us. We turned around to see Ace with a few omegas laughing. This boy sure was social and apparently funny too. I raised my eyebrow at Ace who blushing intensely. He looked wide eyed at me as we made eye contact.

"Oh hi... Blaze, Weston. What's up?" He asked timidly, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Just eating our lunches, as one does in a cafeteria," I said with plenty of humor. I grinned as his cheeks got redder. He laughed awkwardly. I looked up at the other omegas who clearly put him in this position on purpose. "Want to have lunch with us, Ace?" I asked slowly, watching his face instantly light up. He nodded quickly and plopped down next to me.

"What, were you dared to talk to us?" Weston questioned very bluntly. Ace blushed again, looking down at the table.

"Yeah, kind of... they were making fun of me for being paired with you guys for training. Saying you guys made me your bitch," he shrugged as if it didn't hurt his feelings, but I could see it did.

Weston immediately started breaking out into a laughing fit. I stared at him as he finished laughing. "I mean we kinda made you our personal punching bag," he chuckled out, barely breathing.

I turned to Ace. "You're very talented. We couldn't have you paired with one of the untrained omegas. That would've been disrespectful to your skills," I stated confidently, trying to keep it professional and not admire how cute his face looked when he was embarrassed.

"So, Ace? Are you going to Lyle's birthday party?" Weston asked out of the blue. He successfully changed the subject of conversation.

"Oh, yeah, of course! I don't know anyone from the pack who isn't," he perked up.

"What are you wearing? Lyle and Blaze are wearing suits, so it's like fancy fancy. I need ideas!" Weston whined, and Ace was quick to dive into a conversation about clothes with him.

I stayed quiet pretty much the entire conversation, taking my time to admire Ace's beauty. Once lunch ended, Ace said a small goodbye before running off.

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