Chapter 19

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The house had been eerily quiet these past few days since Alpha and Lyle were off at some Alpha training event. I thought Luna would cling to me with her two boys gone, but instead she's been keeping herself occupied. She cleaned the entire house, cleaned the entire pack house, started a book club, and got several massages all in the past 3 days. With Luna either never in the house or quietly fulfilling her secret desires, and Alpha and Lyle arguing across state instead of in the house, I've been bathing in the rejuvenating silence.

Of course that silence was broken once Weston barged into my room holding a tray of breakfast loudly singing happy birthday. Instinctively, I covered my face with my pillow to avoid the reality of his presence. As I grumbled under the silk fabric, Weston sung louder. He wasn't quite singing, more like yelling out of tune.

"Ugh! Quiet down! The whole pack will hear you!" Weston stomped over to the bed and leaned over my body, as if he was some lord coming to bless me. He placed the tray in front of me, displaying all the delicious foods he prepared. Weston had always been a good cook, so this did not surprise me in the slightest. However, he's easily stressed while cooking when things get messy. The tray had a stack of pancakes neatly stacked with powdered sugar on top, perfectly golden sausage, and strawberries sliced into the shape of hearts.

Not being able to deny the scent of food for my hungry stomach any longer, I sat up in bed, revealing my shirtless chest riddled with scars. Normally I'd be more shy about them, but Weston had grown accustomed to my ugly body.

Weston crawled into bed next to me, propping up pillows for us to sit more comfortably. "It's the first time I've ever been able to celebrate your birthday with you! I know you don't like extravagant things, so breakfast in bed seemed fitting. Privacy and food!" I ruffled up his perfect hair a bit, acknowledging his well thought out plan. He shimmied away from me, trying to avoid me messing up his head any more.

"Thanks, you know me very well. I'm thankful Xander will be taking all the fame tonight," I breathed out, sighing in relief. I started to munch on the pancakes which were perfectly fluffy. Weston began talking about his costume for tonight, a Christmas elf. It was funny because elves really existed in the supernatural world, but they weren't short nor were they happy. They were secluded people who were one with nature, helping to restore nature's beauty. In the polluted world we live in today, you can imagine that they were not very happy. I didn't mention any of this as Weston talked. Instead, I just enjoyed the sound of his voice as I practically inhaled the food.

"I convinced my mom to go out shopping with Luna, but that didn't take much convincing especially with St. Luna's day around the corner!" Weston always made a point to explain every detail of a story. St. Luna's day was the day after Christmas, which we obviously didn't celebrate. It was similar though. It was the day that the Moon Goddess made the first werewolf. "You've got the whole house to yourself today!" Weston really did know my too well.

When the conversation came to a comfortable end, Weston took this opportunity to take out a small, velvet box. It almost looked like a wedding ring box with its delicate design. Weston pushed back some hair that had fallen into his face before nervously placing the box in front of me.

Stunned by the little gift in front of me, I raised my eyebrows at the boy. "I know you aren't a fan of gifts, but this is something for both you and Xander," he explained slowly, as if he was worried I'd throw the gift away if he wasn't careful enough with his words.

I didn't say anything as I opened the box, still skeptical of the present. It revealed a chain necklace with a small, black, half of a heart charm. The chain was cold to the touch as I picked it up curiously, revealing its whole structure. I glanced to Weston for an explanation.

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