Chapter 38

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A/N       I have a feeling everyone will enjoy this chapter. Lyle and Blaze's personalities are really clear and you finally get to see them interact again.  Also, I LOVE all the comments. Sometimes I post just because some of the comments make me super happy. Enjoy!

Hayden gave me an irritated look as I approached him, but I could tell his feelings weren't directed towards me.

"Your mate is very inquisitive, and even in heat, his Alpha aurora is very commanding," he murmured, rolling his eyes. He looked exhausted, probably from standing outside on guard all day and dealing with Lyle's nonsense.

With a small reassuring smile, I handed him a container of lemon pasta, his favorite. His eyes perked up, and he didn't waste a second snatching it from my hands.

"You're off duty. Go home. I'll call you if I need anything," I ordered, but kept a friendly tone to my voice. He smiled thankfully, quickly standing straighter to prepare to leave.

"You don't have to tell me twice! Good luck with the cranky Alpha!" And with that, Hayden was scrambling away down the hall.

Gulping, I stood at the door. He knew I was here, if not from me talking, from my scent. I could smell him the second I got to the floor. I was surprised I didn't really feel the need to have him sexually, I just felt worried about him. It was a weird toss up in my mind.

I knocked lightly and waited patiently for Lyle to answer the door. I held my breath as I tried to keep my eyes from grazing his almost naked body. He was only in some basketball shorts and his hair was wet. He probably needed a cold bath to help with the heat.

Keeping a small smile on my face, I held back Apollo from trying to get to his mate. It wasn't an extremely hard task considering we both knew Fallon was currently present with the lack of golden eyes.

Lyle shamelessly raked his eyes along my body before meeting my eyes, then glanced at the food. "I brought that shrimp scampi thing you really like," I spoke up, lifting the bag up.

Lyle snorted, opening the door wider. "You fucking reek of death. Where the fuck were you? A cemetery?" He walked into the room, allowing me to enter and close the door.

"Yeah, something like that. I didn't realize your nose would be so sensitive to the smell," I replied slowly, taking a moment to look around the fancy room. The bed was a little messy and some clothes and towels littered the other furniture, typical Lyle.

Lyle snatched the food as soon as I placed it down. He was being as sassy as usual, but didn't seem upset at me.

"I'm not gonna ask questions, but thank god you smell. It's the only thing holding my heat back," he blabbers as he ripped off the container of his food to start devouring.

I blinked a moment at him, before taking out my own meal. We just sort of stared at our meals and glanced occasionally at each other as we ate.

Finally, Lyle broke the silence. "So you are this all mighty alpha, huh? I can really feel it now. Fallon is begging me to submit to Apollo. In both a sexual and no sexual way." Lyle never had much of a filter.

I stared blankly at him, not sure how to feel about it. "Yes, Apollo is quite powerful and also head over heels for Fallon apparently," I stated, not sure what else to say.

Lyle cocked his head at my words, as if he was trying to decipher my words. Then, he leaned back in his chair as if he was over it. We finished our meal in silence. I threw out the garbage and started cleaning up the dirty clothes.

"Touch, right? Like physical contact?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion before he continued. "That's gonna help with this whole heat situation?" Realization swept over me. I blinked at him before nodding, not finding my words in this awkward situation. Lyle rolled his eyes and he fell back on the bed. "You don't even like being touched let alone touching other people," he mumbled into the sheets. I could smell another heat wave rising.

The Alpha of Alphas: Apollo (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now