Chapter 51

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A/N I edited Chapter 31 to include something new in Quinn's description. He has one eye that is completely white but he is not blind in that eye. However, humans think he is and that's why it's white. But he was born with it. Also I apologize for the delay, I've been in the process of moving. 

Quinn was acting weird that week in school. By weird I mean he was clinging to me more than usual, wearing sunglasses, and bouncing his leg whenever he sat next to me during lunch. This was odd considering usually he used our long school day to find young couples making out or seducing some humans himself. His reputation around school was quite funny. He appeared to be the shy but sassy kid who was pretty much invisible due to his effort of avoiding attention. Yet, it wasn't hard to miss the constant gossip about his sexual endeavors. Both girls and guys would discuss how amazing their one time sex fling was with Quinn very opening. Even some guys who claimed to be straight say that switching it up for one night was totally worth their amazing orgasms. Obviously none of the humans knew he was an incubus and actually ate their energy while making them cum, but I was surprised there were very few wolves who did not pick up on his supernatural vibes.

Instead of scurrying off to find his own type of lunch during our lunch period, he sat closely next to me with Lilith and her human friends as well as some of Quinn's human friends. He even ate a bit of human food during the time, too. This led me to believe he wasn't eating for some reason unknown to me. I avoided mentioning it the first few days to see if he would eventually break his fasting, but we have approached day 5 and he is still clung next to my side. I've heard a few people gossiping, even the wolves, saying I was his next sexual conquest, but I didn't really react or care about the rumors.

Once lunch began coming to an end, I leaned over to Quinn's ear. "Come to my locker with me," I commanded. Then I stood up, said my goodbyes to our table mates, and walked out of the cafeteria with Quinn following close behind. I felt a few stares burning into us as we left.

"So what's with you starving yourself?" I asked almost immediately after we were out of people's sight.

He flinched at my words, his sunglasses shaking on his face just enough to catch a glimpse of his red eyes. Without permission, I ripped the glasses off his face. He stared wide-eyed at me, which emphasized his bloodshot eyes. His normally snow white eye almost seemed pinkish due to how much his red veins popped out. I remembered seeing such a thing on Joseph when we were imprisoned. It meant he was starving, so my hypothesis was correct.

"Want to explain what's going on?" I questioned, a little softer this time.

He sighed, snatching his sunglasses back before answering. "I'm still eating a bit, but only by absorbing couple's sexual energy not partaking. Ever since I've found my source, I just can't bring myself to have sex with someone else. But people don't do much in high schools but make out, so I haven't been able to absorb enough."

"Since you've found your mate? You mean you've been doing this vegan diet for two weeks?"

He scrunched his eyebrows at my questions. "Vegan diet?"

"Food with no meat." I shrugged, which earned a snort from Quinn.

"Yeah, for two weeks. I'm not completely starving, but I'm just always hungry. Normally if I can't get food from school, I can absorb some if Joseph brings people home. But he's only been bringing your delta home, and I'm getting no energy off them. I'm gonna take a wild guess that Hayden is Joseph's source, but he won't admit it yet." I gave him a tight-knit smile which answered that question for him.

"You don't look very good, so why don't I take you back to my apartment in the pack house, so you can rest to conserve energy while I find you a newly mated couple that you can feed off of. Werewolves give off more energy, so that should help satisfy you, okay?"

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