Chapter 74

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A/N  Hi everyone! Unfortunately, this is the last chapter, but the next book on its way! I'll be posting its first chapter soon (once I make a cover for the book lol)

Quinn lurked in the shadows of the meeting hall. Our first official pack meeting with the combined packs was a stressful event for Lyle, but planning it these past few days kept his mind off bigger matters. We hadn't told anyone about the pregnancy yet, and Lyle was refusing to talk to Quinn about the entire situation. 

However, Lyle and I sat down and picked out which OB/GYN we wanted to go to. He had been spending hours reading the books Joseph lent him about werewolf pregnancies. I think he was finally coming to terms with the pregnancy, thankfully.

At the pack meeting, Lyle and Ace spoke to the crowd about the upcoming changes going on in the pack such as the construction of another packhouse at the center of the lands, the change in boarders, and some training schedule changes. They both spoke confidently, Ace taking the construction projects and Lyle taking the training and leadership changes. They were a good fit together. I saw Xander stare at his mate lovingly, which I couldn't help but smile at.

Quinn, however, made me nervous. His presence was a constant reminder that something was about to happen. Quinn had assured me that he thinks the pregnancy will be fine, and it's only once the baby is born will he be involved. I prayed and prayed to Artemis, hoping she'd tell me more about the prophecy, but she never answered. Her fear did not make me feel better.

Once Lyle walked off stage, multiple people approached him with questions. He spent another 20 minutes answering questions, and Ace had walked into another room to answer other questions. I waited patiently for my mate to find his way back to me.

It was early in the morning, even though the sun was still rising. Lyle met me by the window. When I looked up to search for Quinn, he was nowhere in sight. I let out a sigh, feeling less stressed without his presence.

"So many questions. People can't understand shit," he whined, wrapping his arms around me to lay his head on my chest. He has been more clingy since he found out he was pregnant, which I have been enjoying thoroughly.

"It will settle soon. Once everything is situated I'm sure people will be able to function better. It's just a lot of change and the pack is much larger now," I assured him, caressing his hair to soothe him.

He sighed, lifting his head up to meet me with doe eyes. "I have to head to training soon. I have a session with the new warriors," he groaned, finally detaching himself from me.

"I can come hang out at the field while you are training. I have some paperwork, but all of that can be done there," I offered, hoping he'd say yes because I was nervous about him going to training sessions. He hasn't been participating in any matches himself, but I still worried about some of the rough wolves around him.

"If you could, that would make me feel better." I nodded, happy he said yes. We ventured to my office to pick up some paperwork before heading off to the field.

Many of the young wolves were already there fooling around with each other. The young wolves in training to be warriors were always very rough. They were strong, but didn't know how to control it.

"Hi Alphas!" A few of the students shouted when we approached. Their ages ranged from 12 to 14. Many of the older students were females because they often took some convincing to join the warriors. Some of the older werewolves were still very traditional, believing the female should not be on the frontline of defense. Females have been warriors in our pack for over two hundred years, but some people still force these views on their children and grandchildren. Lyle had been working hard to train some of the late entering females.

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