Chapter 16

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Alpha glanced at my arms that had some remaining hives once I entered the house that early morning. It was only him sipping coffee at the table, reading some documents. I was starving and had omega training in an hour, so I dared to stay in the kitchen with Alpha.

"Your mother told me you've made friends with other packs. I'm guessing you've made some friends at Black Hearts?" Alpha didn't seem mad, more like he felt betrayed I hadn't told him.

I pulled out the cereal, avoiding eye contact with him. "Yeah, that's why Alpha Zach recognized me the other day. He didn't know I was your son, so I shocked him a bit," I lied expertly, letting the wrong puzzle pieces fit into place for Alpha.

"Why didn't you say so? It's okay to make friends with other packs. Allies are always good," his voice was weak, as if he was trying to understand why I was hiding things from him.

I shrugged a little, trying to not notice his demeanor. "Lyle has been weirdly protective recently. I thought it would start something." Though this was just an excuse, it was valid.

"When did this protectiveness start?" Alpha questioned skeptically, putting his papers down.

"His birthday I guess. I assume it's from me saving him. He feels bad maybe," I answered, not seeing the relevance. Alpha nodded, but still seemed on edge.

"I told Lyle to do the omega training today because I thought you'd be unwell. But I guess since your better, you both can so he can learn how to train others." I didn't like the sound of this, but didn't argue.

Alpha and I sat in silence as I ate and he read. I could tell he had many questions he wanted to ask, but he bit his tongue. Lyle stomped down the stairs and strutted into the kitchen as if he owned the place. He froze in place when he saw me. I thought I'd see anger, but instead I saw pure concern. He rushed to me and grabbed my arm to examine it. I flinched at the contact. 

"Where did you go yesterday? Your arms look a little better, but you'll need more time to heal," he insisted as if he was a doctor himself. Alpha was staring intensely at us as if the wheels in his head were turning. He obviously knew something we did not.

"I'm fine, Lyle. We have to go to training soon, so stop worrying." I swatted his hands away, causing him to reluctantly back away.

Lyle picked up his keys. "I'll drive us," he stated before walking out.

I looked at Alpha for answers. "Just remember you two aren't actually related," Alpha mumbled as I walked out the door. I didn't know what he meant by that, but I wasn't sure I wanted to, so I pretended not to hear.

I hopped into Lyle's car and the awkward silence was thick as we drove to the field. He kept sending worried glanced in my direction before he'd remember about the road. Thank goodness it was only a 2 minute drive and there were omegas already there ready to ask me some questions.

I spotted Felix who practically ran up to me with clear concern on his face. Lyle was standing in the corner of the field watching us intently.

"What the heck happened yesterday? I was at the pack house getting the last of my things, and the last person I was expecting to see was you!" He whisper yelled at me, hitting my arm. I rolled my eyes at his concern, but it secretly made me smile on the inside that he actually cared.

I glanced at Lyle who was clearly trying to listen. Felix looked too and noticed. "Wolfsbane," I stated but I stared into his eyes with a look. He formed an "o" with his lips when things fell into place. What I've learned these past few weeks is that Felix is hella intelligent. We could have conversations with just our eyes and tones of our voice and he picked up on the true meaning instantly.

The Alpha of Alphas: Apollo (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now