Chapter 50

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A/N I had to make some changes because I forgot to change something in the editing process that a reader thankfully pointed out. 

Lyle called me up a few days later for our regular chats on the phone. It was hard trying to make time for each other considering we were both running packs unofficially. Xander was finding his adjustment to being Alpha rather stressful. He was often calling me, Oliver, or Hayden to help him figure out solutions for problems he encountered or sometimes just to take a load of paperwork off him. I often took over the training sessions he was supposed to run or his border patrol when he was drowning in things to do. Uncle Zach tried to make the transition as smooth as possible, but without having an official Luna and still being in high school made it all the more difficult. Lilith going crazy over her pregnant mate didn't help Xander's stress either.

Lyle often called me during mealtime so there would be a better chance of me answering. I wasn't surprised to see his caller ID pop up once I sat down to eat my lemon chicken. I swallowed my food before answering.


"We are going on a date," Lyle cut me off.

"Oh? When?" I stopped eating my food to give him my full attention.

"In like a half hour. I'm picking you up. I already talked to Xander and he's aware you are going out tonight. Hayden is gracious enough to take over your border patrol, so you are completely available for me to whisk you off for the night," he explained swiftly, not letting me get a single word in. I looked down at the clock to see it was only half past five so that meant he'd be here by six. But he wasn't driving yet, so that was suspicious.

"I have lots of questions," I stated.

There was a slight chuckle over the line that didn't fail to make my heart flutter. It's taken some time in order to truly see Lyle as a significant other rather than the boy I grew up with, but the mating pull was making it easy to forget that minor detail.

"I know. Now go get ready. Casual attire, but I have a feeling you will manage to dress up nicely no matter how I tell you to dress," he teased. I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see me.

"The curse of being friends with Weston for so many years." That earned me a snort over the line. Not as heartwarming as the laugh, but still enough to make me smile.

"Now get ready. I'll text you when I'm there," He ordered just before the line went dead.

I finished my little dinner, knowing that if he gave me more food I'd be more than willing to eat it anyway. My closet was filled with a lot more clothes than I came with. I learned very quickly that LIlith had a shopping obsession, and if she couldn't find something in her size, she'd manage to use her magic to make it fit perfectly. It was much to my benefit as she often lengthened my pants that were a bit too short on me. A curse of being 6'3 but ever so lean. Her shopping obsession only got worse with the news of her pregnant mate. Baby clothes galore.

I chose my typical black shirt and paired it with a new green hooded jacket that Lilith got me recently. Changing it up, I went with some light-washed blue jeans but kept to my usual black combat boots. I glanced in the mirror to examine my black curly mop on my head. Lilith got me on this curly hair routine that has made my curls more defined and less frizzy. I was grateful for that because I barely needed to mess with my curls now to make them presentable.

I was about to leave my room to wait on my couch until I got a call from Weston.


"Send me a pic of your date outfit. I need to approve it," he insisted. I wasn't sure what was with people cutting me off today.

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