Chapter 24

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Lyle's POV

Pacing across the room, the words that came out of Alex's mouth simply blurred in my head. I shouldn't have said any of that to Blaze, though I did actually mean it. He was suspicious: the perfect, quiet, intelligent, strong, obedient son. Something about that didn't add up. Yet I didn't have to act that way towards him, and now he was gone. I sent some of the warriors to track him down, but all they were able to tell me is that he left the pack territory.

There are rogues out there and hunters... he could get hurt out there and goddess knows he wouldn't even call for me if he did. I tried mind-linking him, but he blocked out everything I said. I pleaded with him to let me know he was safe. No response.

"Lyle? Are you listening to me?" My mind finally wrapped around Alex's words. My eyes felt heavy from stress as I peered up at him. "He's with Weston. So calm down!" Alex snapped, slamming his hands on the desk, clearly irritated with me. I narrowed my eyes at him, not convinced.

"How do you know that?" I sassed, continuing my pacing.

Alex rolled his eyes at me, holding up his phone. "Weston called and told me, keep up!" Instinctively, I growled at him.

"What if he's lying for him?" I shot back, now taking a moment to rake my hands through my hair, feeling the sweat that coated my body.

"Because where did you go when you were in distress? Me, your best friend. So it makes sense that Blaze would do the same," Alex sassed back, crossing his arms. The logic of the scenario made me calm down for a few breaths. My breathing was shaky from pacing, so I decided to finally slump down in the office chair. We were in Alex's office, which he just took over from his father.

Alex sent me a look of pity, sitting across from me. "What were you two fighting about anyways? You guys have been butting heads a lot more recently." Alex had always had a soft spot for Blaze, and I wish I had seen what Alex saw in him early. But I've been blinded by jealousy of how much attention my parents gave him. They were constantly worried about him for no reason. Now I realize, there was a reason, I just haven't been told it.

"Well I accused him of acting suspicious, and called him a rogue," I mumbled, cringing at how much I hated what I did.

I watched as Alex's back straightened and anger built up in his eyes. "I think we need to call him again," he announced, jumping to his feet and running across the room to his phone. I scurried behind him, confused.

"What?! Why do you say that?" My eyes were wide and my heart started pacing again.

Alex didn't respond as he called someone. "Why are you calling me Alex? I thought Wes told you I was with him," a familiar voice over the line spoke. We both relaxed at the sound of Blaze's casual voice.

"Are you okay? Like seriously?" Alex questioned softly, concern in his eyes for my mate. A part of me was jealous of the fact I could never have what they did. But another part of me was more angry with myself for causing such a strain in our relationship. I was a bad brother, and I knew I was going to be a bad mate. I didn't deserve him.

I sunk into my chair. I knew listening to their conversation would just make my wolf jealous, so I let them finish in private.

Alex returned, appearing more relaxed than before. I could see it in his eyes: he loved Blaze. "You know he gave the omega training to Weston to take over, and he gave me the warrior training. My dad said Alpha couldn't stop crying this morning, and he wouldn't say why. Suicidal people give all their responsibilities and spend their last few days with their loved ones..." Alex trailed off, tears swelling up. "And you called him the thing that made him feel useless. You called him a rogue! But on the phone, he actually seemed happy for once." Alex's emotions went from sad to angry to confused.

"I thought he was suicidal, but now I think he's just moving on. From this pack, from me," he looked up and stared into my eyes before speaking, "from you."

My whole body went numb hearing what he was saying. I couldn't deny any of it. He was simply telling the truth. I didn't deserve him.

"You're right. I've been a terrible brother, and I'm not sure I'm fit to be an Alpha," I whispered, letting my emotions take over. "I need to get out of here. I just- I just need a few days to think," I stuttered, frantically standing, though I wasn't sure where I'd even go.

Alex stared at me inquisitively for a few seconds before standing up too. "Let's go to my lake house for the week. We will leave Friday and come back next Saturday just in time for Luna's day," he planned for us. All I did was nod because I couldn't think for myself. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me, but I felt wrong.


Back to Blaze's POV

Weston hung up the phone for me, cursing out Alex and Lyle as if they were still on the line. He looked up at me apologetically, but didn't say anything. Xander, who was sitting right next to me on the couch, glanced at me with a look of rage. I felt his emotions all too well. He wanted to march over there and give Lyle a piece of his mind. I was a bit embarrassed that I came here crying and admitted who my fucked up mate was to my brother, his best friend, and my best friend.

"You should just reject him," Xander announced, standing up suddenly. "I've had enough of his crap, even though I've never met him! He's narcissistic! He doesn't deserve you! Reject his ass, move here, and maybe you'll get a second chance mate!" Oliver walked in from the kitchen and simply pushed Xander back onto the couch.

"Don't be irrational. It's a lot to process, idiot," Oliver lectured, taking a place next to Weston. They were a perfect match, and there have been many moments I've envied them.

"I think it's the only logical route," Xander huffed, leaning against me. I loved his touch, his comfort, his support. And honestly I think I could live off my brotherly connection with him rather than Lyle.

"I'm not going to reject him," I declared, causing everyone to stare at me with blank expressions waiting for an explanation. "I know how it feels to have a bond broken, and I wouldn't wish that upon anyone." Xander pushed himself closer to me as if to comfort me, but I avoided his eyes. "I gave him a week to decide what he wants to do. I'm still going to move here next week regardless."

Weston glanced at the time before standing. "We should get home. Just stay at my house, okay?" This comment plowed for no more questions, which I appreciated. I nodded quickly before standing as well and giving Xander a quick kiss on the head.

"Drive safe and stay away from that bastard." It was a simple command from Xander, but one I intended to follow regardless.

The drive back was silent, but I appreciated Weston not questioning me. Of course the silence was ruined when Alpha called me. I stared at my phone for a second before reluctantly answering.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm fine. I just left Black Heart with Weston, now I'm going to stay at his house." My voice stayed emotionless, impressing even myself.

There was a deep sigh of relief at the other end of the line. "I heard from Alex what Lyle said to you. It wasn't right. I'm not sure what drove the argument that way, but you didn't deserve this." There was a small pause on the line. "Honestly, I think moving to Black Heart will be a good thing."

"I do too," was my simple response. We said our small goodbyes and left it at that. 

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