Chapter 57

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Blaze's POV

Lilith stopped coming to school this week to care for her mate considering Emilia was ready to pop at any moment. That left me and Quinn at lunch together with a few of his human friends. When the humans went to go get lunch, I turned to Quinn expectantly, but he ignored me. He was nose deep in an anatomy textbook. Something I've learned about Quinn over the past few months is his love for the medical field. I asked him about it once, and he told me he was trained by a witch healer when he was in Texas. I wasn't sure what exactly this meant, considering Quinn didn't really have magic, but I never questioned it. He was trained in two things: healing and tracking. Both of which I have yet to see in action, but something told me I was going to find out exactly what he means real soon.

I continued to stare regardless of where his attention lied. "Why are you staring at me like that?" He snapped, putting his book down to face me. His white eye looked creepier than usual.

"How was your second date? You barely told me about the first one?" Quinn rolled his eyes and crossed his arms along his chest. He always mocked annoyance, so I could never tell when it was real or not.

"It was fine," he said shortly, turning back to his book. I groaned, drawing his attention back to me.

"Any more details than that? Are you going on a third date?"

Quinn raised his eyebrow of his white eye, which made it even creepier. Sometimes it felt like he was staring into my soul with his eye. It was one of the only things in this world which made me uneasy.

"Yes, next week. He still thinks I'm human, which you were right, I do find rather funny. He's really careful around me as if I'm so fragile," he finally answered. I snorted at the thought of Quinn being fragile.

"You could probably kill all of us if you wanted to," I commented, taking a big bite of my sandwich. Quinn stared at my lunch intently but didn't say anything. It seems like he doesn't have to eat physical food as long as he's feeding. After his last incident, he's made an effort to at least absorb energy from a few humans a week. He didn't look so pale anymore.

"How did the meeting with Hayden's family last week go?" I changed the subject, which Quinn seemed pleased about.

He finally closed his book and looked up at me. "It went really well. Apparently Hayden's dad is friends with an incubus, so he knew about the whole source thing. That was one less thing to explain," he started, looking actually happy for once. "He has a little sister who is in elementary school, and she was all over Joseph." I had heard very little about Hayden's sister, not even her age, so this was news to me.

"Hayden's mom was really curious about our family. She thought we were actual brothers, not two orphans. Hayden's dad got all stiff when Joseph admitted that he knew you because he was held captive by Vance too. But Hayden's dad thought it really cool that I am part werewolf," he continued, glancing at his friends who were about to approach the table.

"Are you going to move in with Hayden then?"

Quinn nodded with a small smile. "Yeah, I think soon. Hayden's mom already started preparing the house for us because she doesn't trust Hayden. My room has a bed, so that's kinda fun." I laughed slightly at that, remembering the fact that he didn't sleep and therefore didn't need a bed. "And his mom made really good food and told me I can come over anytime I want to learn how to make her recipes."

"Is it weird?" I questioned. The boy gave me a questioning look before I elaborated. "Growing up with a makeshift family and now Hayden comes along with this picture perfect family who is so willing to include you?"

Quinn blinked in thought for a few moments before shaking his head. "It is a little weird, but it's nice. I kinda like it." The conversation ended there as the humans finally sat down, laughing at some joke about one of the gym teachers.

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