Chapter 11

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Lyle tapped his foot impatiently as the doctor listened to my breathing.

"Now deep breath," she ordered me. I followed her instructions, but Lyle's tapping was a little irritating. The doctor stood up, and jotted down some notes on her clipboard. "You healed well. Everything seems okay, but you are a little dehydrated. I'll have a nurse bring you water. Once you finish that, you can be on your way," she reported, providing us with a curt smile.

"That's it? How do you explain him aimlessly wandering?" Lyle interrogated the doctor, who seemed in phased by his questions.

She held her plastered smile as she spoke. "After so much exercise and the dehydration, that can leave you a little dazed. Why don't you pull up the car for Blaze?" She suggested, not leaving anymore room for questions. Lyle huffed before heading out of the room. He mumbled something about getting the car during his exit.

Suddenly, the doctor turned back to me and squinted. "Did you find your mate today?" The words confused me. Why was she asking that.

"Uh, no. I'm not even sure if I'm 18 yet," I answered, a little on edge as why she was asking. She stared at my face intensely, trying to decide if I'm telling the truth.

"Huh, usually when someone comes in here in your state they made contact with their mate. The sparks of the new connection can make werewolves dazed," she explained, still studying my face. I tried to keep a blank face as much as possible.

"Um, yeah, no mate for me," I breathed out, raking my hands through my hair. I wasn't ready to tell anyone about Xander yet.

The doctor tested her hand on my shoulder. "Well, whatever happened, I can tell it's personal. If you ever need to talk about it, you know where to find me." Without another word, she walked off.

A nurse handed me a cup of water that I downed in seconds before hopping off the examination table. Lyle was sitting in the car right outside of the clinic, looking rather annoyed.

We drove in a comfortable silence before Lyle decided to break it. "You worry mom and dad a lot," he stated, eyes glancing at me quickly before returning to the road.

"I know. I feel bad. They shouldn't worry about me," I admitted, not hiding my emotions for once in my life.

"Well they do. You're their son. You worry me, too, you know?" His tone was soft, but his words ripped through my soul. My heart beat faster, but I had no idea why his words affected me so much. He looked over at me when I didn't respond.

"Look, I know mom can be a lot sometimes, but it's because she cares. I don't know what's going on with you, but I'm here for you." He paused, eyes meeting mine for a split second. "I know I haven't been a great brother, but you've really put your neck out for me recently. So I'm here for you." He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. It became a little awkward with our weird heart to heart.

"I did what any warrior would do. You don't have to thank me. I'm fine, seriously," I reassured him. I stared blankly out the window, looking at the colorful trees.

"It's not nothing, Blaze. I know I hate to admit it, but I could've died if you didn't stop that rogue. And now you are facing the consequences instead of me," Lyle sighed, looking frustrated as usual.

"It's nothing I haven't handled before. So seriously, don't worry," I said sternly, refusing to look at him.

He slammed his hands on the steering wheel, letting out his anger. "If it's nothing then why are mom and dad scared shitless and baby proofing your room! Everyone is walking on eggshells around you as if you're a ticking time bomb, goddess damnit!" I finally glanced in his direction and instantly regretted it. I don't know how I managed to get the person who couldn't care if I died last week to suddenly become so concerned about me. The attention made me feel uneasy.

"If you are going to be this angry, then pull over. You are going to kill us both," I demanded as I watched him clutch the steering wheel. To my relief, he pulled to the side of the road. We were next to a forest that I noted was on our pack lands.

Lyle unbuckled and let out an uneasy breath. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm acting like this," he apologized slowly, not really sure of his own words. I stared at him curiously as he rubbed his face.

"Look, I have a difficult past. And Alpha and Luna have done a lot to help me. They are just scared I'm going to relive that pain again. But I'm fine. I know how to work through it. And none of it is your fault, okay?" He doesn't respond, so I reach over and touch his hand. Small sparks erupt from the connection, but I brushed it off as the overwhelming emotions. At the touch, he stiffened, finally making eye contact with me.

"Okay. I don't understand what happened in your past, though I feel like I should've been paying more attention. But just promise me you'll talk to me if you feel like you are spiraling?" I nodded, feeling his emotions dissipate. I let go of his hand, and he doesn't waste anytime right start up the car again. We sit in silence. 

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