Chapter 9

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Back to Blaze's POV

Rogues surrounded me as I watched my father trying to fight a big wolf off. My mom was clutching my brother tightly, trying to run. She called my name, but I could barely hear here over the rogues' growls.

"Run! Run Blazen!" I heard my dad shout before the wolf ripped his throat out. My mom's cries echoed as she ran away with my brother in her arms. I didn't have time to think before a rogue picked me up and ran off in the oppose direction with me.

"Blazen!" The distant cries from my brother haunted me.

"Xander!" I cried out, hoping he'd hear me.

I screamed as I shot out of bed, taking me a moment to remember where I was. I looked up to see a fan I did not have good memories with. That's what did it for me. I had to get out of there. There were IVs attached to my wrists, which I didn't waste a second ripping out.

"Woah there! What do you think you're doing?" That's when I noticed Lyle on the other side of my bed.

"Leaving," I proclaimed as I headed for the door. I was overwhelmed with too many feelings and memories of the past.

Lyle stepped in front of the door, blocking my exit. I glowered at him, but he didn't budge. "You're hurt, Blaze," he stated sternly, pushing my chest back. "Get back to bed and rest. You can leave tomorrow," he ordered me, but I didn't budge.

"I don't like this room. I'll rest, but only in a different room," I declared, holding my stance. We were stuck in each other's trance again, neither of us breaking it.

He finally groaned, looking away. "Why don't you like this room? They all look the same!" He exasperated, throwing his hands in the air.

"I don't like this one's fan," I mumbled, looking at the fan's light claw marks. Those were Alpha's claw marks when he cut me down from my makeshift nuse.

"So picky," Lyle grumbled as he led me down the hallway to find a nurse. We stumbled upon Alpha and Luna first.

Luna rushed to me, hugging me lightly before examining my body. "Why aren't you in bed?" She remarked. She turned to Lyle, "Why isn't he in bed?!"

Lyle shrugged before stating, "He apparently didn't like the fan in that room." Luna's face softened before putting my own in her hands.

"Nurse Shannon, is there a different he can stay in?" Alpha asked an older woman with a clipboard. She nodded and quickly led us down a hallway to another room. The nurse didn't waste time hooking me up to a new IV as Luna cooed over me.

Lyle gazed at me from the corner of the room. I thought he would've left by now, but part of me was happy he didn't.

After Luna was done coddling me, she headed off to the car. She wanted to prepare my room for my homecoming apparently. My efforts to convince her it was just a scratch were to no avail.

Alpha walked up to me and lightly patted my shoulder. "You did good, Blaze. The warrior I've hoped you be. Rest. You deserve it, Son," Alpha assured, giving me a final smile before leaving Lyle and me alone.

Lyle and I stayed in silence as I tried to ignore him. That was no use when his eyes were burning holes into me. "Why didn't you transform into your wolf form?"

"Huh?" The question threw me for a loop. Why was he asking this? "There wasn't any time."

Lyle took a moment to contemplate that answer before speaking. "I would've accepted that answer if it wasn't for the fact I realized I have never seen your wolf before." This felt like an accusation, and I was pretty sure it was. But I wasn't going to let his words get to me.

"So?" My eyes narrowed at him, waiting for him to test me, just like I knew he would.

Lyle walked closer to me, only a foot away from the bed now. "That just seems weird. I've seen Weston's wolf plenty of times, but not someone who lives with me?"

I scoffed, not appreciating his words. "You've only seen Weston's because you've trained him. We haven't trained together, Lyle." The words felt bitter on my tongue, but I didn't feel like holding back my distaste for the sudden interrogation.

"Well why haven't we trained together? I've never seen you at any wolf training. Do you even have a wolf?" His words were sharp and easily sent me over the edge. I stood up, pulling my IV with me. I walked to the other side of the room, trying to distance myself from him.

"Of course I have a wolf. But I don't have to explain myself to you," I spat at him, my anger boiling. We were both too hormonal and dominant for our own good.

"What are these night terrors I keep hearing about?" I stopped for a moment, face completely red.

"Get. Out. Now." I commanded in a voice that almost felt like an Alpha voice. Lyle was taken aback by my tone but didn't argue. He just left, slamming the door after him. That boy was going to be the death of me. 

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