Chapter 58

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A/N I know I left a cliff hanger so no way was I going to let you wait too long. I really appreciate some of you recommending my book to other readings. Makes my day! Just for clarification, Lyle's pack is the Starlight Park and Xander/Blaze's pack is Black Hearts. 

Lyle's POV

School was annoying, but what was even more annoying was the fact I had to train the Omegas after spending eight hours attempting to learn. Weston went into heat on Sunday morning, meaning that the Omega training session was canceled at the last minute due to Weston scurrying off to Black Hearts to be locked up with Oliver. Now knowing the horrors of heat, I felt bad for Weston and the pain he was about to endure. And for this reason, I had been the one to collect all his belongings from Macey and deliver it to him on Sunday, making sure everything was neat and in order just as Blaze instructed. That was the extent of my kindness for Blaze's friend. Now I was cursing out Weston for leaving me to train the Omegas on a Wednesday afternoon.

What made this bearable was Alex and Macey joining me and the sight of Ace. Ace had this weird calming effect on Fallon, which I appreciated in this moment. I had a problem with having a short temper, and I've acknowledged that, but this session being right after school was not helping me manage my emotions.

All the Omegas lined up in their usual spots. Macey had helped Weston on several occasions with these sessions, so she was able to understand their routine. Alex was simply there because Macey and I were. Or that's what he claimed. However, I suspect he joined us to get his mind off his feisty mate. Alex has been checking his phone religiously every minute, then looking disappointed every time.

"Alex, why don't we put our phones in my bag? Checking it won't make him text you back faster," I encouraged, holding up my black duffle bag.

Alex groaned, raking his hands through his hair in frustration. "He said he'd text me when he got out of school, but that was like a half hour ago," he whines, eyes glossed over as if he was actually about to tear up. I rolled my own eyes at his actions.

"There are a thousand reasons why he hasn't texted you back right now. Why don't we put the phone away for now and focus on making sure the Omegas don't kill each other?" Alex was hesitant, but finally plopped his phone in my bag next to mine. I zipped up the bag and placed it next to a tree.

"Okay, guys! Listen up! You may have heard, Weston went into heat on Sunday, and that is why we are taking over for this session. We will try to stick to your normal schedule, okay? We are going to do a warm up lap, then stretching, then practice some of those moves that Weston taught you last week," Macey announced, cuffing her hands around her mouth to project her voice.

As we did the lap, stretching, and finally started some combat practice, I noticed how strong the Omegas have gotten over the past few months of training. Thinking back to one of their first sessions I helped with, before I even knew Blaze was my mate, they could barely stay on two feet. Now they were beating the crap out of each other. Some of them could even pass off as warriors with the amount of muscle they were now sporting.

Alex and I were helping one pair of girls get their forms right when I felt the hairs on my back stand up. Something felt off. I stopped what I was doing to smell the air, but nothing smelled different. I scanned the perimeter only for my eyes to land on a wolf charging right for Ace and his partner. I was quick to move, but a throwing knife beat me to it.

The knife came out of literally nowhere and was too fast to even register before it hit its target. The gray wolf fell to the ground next to Ace, sporting a black and gold dagger lodged in its skull. I paused, shifting in the process, then scanned the area again to see at least a dozen wolves at the edge of the woods. Alex was next to me, ordering all the omegas to get behind us. Ace was too stunned to move that Macey had to physically drag him away from his position.

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