Chapter 1: The Land of Hisui

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You open your eyes, seeing nothing but darkness. Looking around seeing nothing, you realize that there is no gravity. You are just floating in darkness. While you try to figure out what's happening, your phone comes out of your pocket and begins to fly away from you. You reach out, trying to grab it before you lost it. But bright lights suddenly begin to surround you, making you lose concentration on getting your phone back. You frantically look around, trying to figure out where the lights are coming from. The lights surround your phone, making it fly farther away from you.

Then all the lights come together in front of you, forming a massive creature made of light. You float in front of the creature in awe as it moves its head, directing your phone back to you. But instead of holding your phone, you hold a bright light that envelops your phone. The creature stares at you as you examine your phone. You then glance up at the creature and begin to feel yourself moving towards it. The creature was pulling you towards it, but you don't fight back. You feel safe in the creatures presence even though you don't know what it is or what is happening.

Then everything goes black.

"Wake up!" You hear someone shout. "Ohhh... Do wake up, won't you?" You slowly open your eyes to see sand. Then, you hear the voice again. "Are you alive, my girl?!"

You keep your eyes open and tilt your head up, seeing three small creatures standing in front of you. A man is standing behind the creatures, his face full of worry. You slowly stand up and look around you, noticing your location. You are on a beach with water behind you that seems to go on forever. Behind the man are green hills and a large mountain with an odd, dark grey cloud above its peak. The clouds are rotating and lightning can be seen within the clouds. There are white cracks in the cloud and purple, blue, and red sparks emanating from it. You face the man as he crosses his arms while he speaks to you.

"You gave me quite the shock, falling from the sky like that..." He closes his eyes, a smile forming on his face. "But thank goodness, you seem unharmed!"

You frown at him, confusion written on your face. "Where am I?" You ask the man. You now notice the strange purple hat he is wearing, along with his white lab coat. Underneath the lab coat, he has a brown vest with a purple shirt underneath with a black bow tie, the same purple as his hat.

His face becomes full over worry once again as he nods, "Why, this is Prelude Beach. Did the shock of your fall somehow addle your memory?"

His eyes scan over your body, examining your clothes. You're wearing a simple white T-shirt and blue shorts with black and pink sandals. Your (h/c) hair is all messed up and sticking to your face. You push your hair back as he speaks. "I must say, your clothing is...unusual. You wouldn't happen to have an acquaintance in these parts, would you?"

You shake your head, "I doubt it..."

He sighs, "I see... Do you have somewhere around here you could stay?" You shake your head once again to answer his question. "So you don't know anyone here, and you don't even know where to spend the night..." Your lips slightly part, worry written on your face as he talks to you. "Are you sure you'll be able to survive?"

You look down at the ground, "I don't know." The man rests his arms at his side has a smile makes its way onto his face.

"I see... Well, no gentleman would abandon a person in such need!" He beams. The creatures to his left begin making noises. The small light brown and white round owl opens its wings and makes a 'Krooo' sound. The small blue and yellow porcupine with a flame (instead of quills) on its back slightly lifts its front feet off of the ground, making a 'Fooom' sound. Then the blue and white otter shakes its body and stretches its arms out behind it, making a 'Plish plash' sound.

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