Chapter 46: Finale

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With Dialga already in your pocket, you make no detours on your way up to the summit of Mount Coronet. Except for the occasional side path to avoid the ferocious Pokémon along the way. Advancing to the Summit Camp took longer than expected. The dark red sky with various blue, green, and purple streaks turns an even deeper crimson color. Stray clouds produced light rain on your journey back to the mountain.

When you finally reach the bottom of the large landscape, you press your palms on your eyes, blinking away the sleepiness. You haven't slept in so long! The restlessness was finally catching up to you and your stomach growls. You reach back and rummage through your satchel, searching for any food you brought from the village. Alas, all you could find were some berries. You sigh and bite into the fruit. It wasn't the best but it was all you had.

You throw away the remains of the berry before starting your ascent. Half an hour later, you find yourself at the entrance to the Stone Portal cave. You glance around, hoping to spot a blond-haired merchant. Unsuccessful at your "I Spy" game, you drag yourself into the cave and continue through to the other side. You climb up the slope at a slower pace, your eyelids drooping ever so slightly.

At the top stood Adaman and Irida with the Commander in between. On Irida's left, stood the one you hoped to see: Volo. You lock eyes with the Gingko Guild merchant as you step in front of Kamado. His eyes never leave yours until you break eye contact and look at the commander.

"For so long, I'd thought that I had to eliminate any outside element that might threaten the people of Jubilife Village." Kamado hangs his head, eyes closed. "Whether that meant banishing you or seeking to destroy the Pokémon of the temple, I felt it was my only path. But you've shown me that I was wrong to think in such a way." His eyes open and his arm jabs the air. "Are you ready for this challenge, recruit?"

Your lips crest a soft smile and you give a soft nod. "Hey, (Y/n)-let's meet tomorrow together." Adaman says.

Irida narrows her eyes in confusion, "What is that supposed to mean?"

Adaman smiles at her, "It's a saying we've got in the Diamond Clan. It means you hope you'll both stay safe."

Volo hums in slight disagreement and Irida comments, "Hmm. Perhaps it's worth listening to what the Diamond Clan has to say sometimes as well."

Commander Kamado's eyes are back on you, "We will support you in whatever way we can, though I doubt you'll need it. (Y/n)... Protect Hisui and her people! Protect time and space for her Pokémon!"

With an understanding nod, you pull out Dialga's Poké Ball and walk up the temple's stairs, seeing the raging pink Pokémon on the altar. Before you can advance more, a hand grips your wrist and pulls you back, whipping you around sharply. Your chest presses against another chest, but a more built one. You blink as your head moves shakily up, afraid to meet those eyes after what happened earlier.

But all you can see in those gray eyes are care and concern. His hold on your wrist softens and his fingers trail up your arm. Under your sleeve, goosebumps emerge from where his fingertips trail until his hand rests on your shoulder. His other hand repeats the same movements on your other arm until reaching your shoulder. Your grip on Dialga's ball loosens and you feel it falling from your grasp.

Tears threaten to fall and Volo's hands move behind your shoulders to your back, embracing you in a hug. His head rests on the top of your (h/c) hair and your face presses into his chest, eyes closing. You subconsciously drop the Poké Ball as your hands move to Volo's back, returning the hug.

You missed this. This feeling of his body warming your own. The feel of his hands on your back and his head on yours. The threatening tears fall from your tired (e/c) eyes. Volo's hands rub against your back in an attempt to comfort and calm you.

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