Chapter 11: Help

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Third Person Pov - Volo

Volo stands at the Front Gate, waiting for (y/n). The sun is setting as he sees her figure. A small smile forms on his face but it soon disappears.

Volo's eye widens and a small gasp escapes his lips. Laventon and a Security Corps guard hold an unconscious Survey Corps member.

He notices the cut on her side and rummages through his backpack, hoping to be of some help. The Professor talks to the gaurd as Volo rushes to them.

"W-what happened, Professor?" He asks, looking at the unconscious girl.

"When she was quelling Kleavor, it sliced her side," Laventon explains. "We need to get her to the Medical Corps so they can examine the wound."

Volo nods and helps both men take
(y/n) to the Medical Corps. When they make it into the pink office inside the Galaxy Hall, they explain to Presselle what's happened.

The Medical Corps leader takes (y/n) to one of the beds behind the curtains. She applies ointment to (y/n)'s wound and wraps her side with bandages.

Presselle appears from behind the curtains. "She needs to rest for a couple of days so it can mostly heal. Reapply the ointment and bandage each night so it doesn't get infected."

The Professor nods and then turns to Volo. "Volo, I have a lot of research to do so could I ask you to watch her?"

He then turns to Presselle, "Can (y/n) rest in her quarters?"

The Medical leader nods. Professor Laventon returns to his research and Volo bites his lip, wondering how to bring the Survey Corps girl back to her quarters.

The Security Corps guard suggests taking her back while Volo gets the supplies needed. As the gaurd takes her back, Volo grabs the supplies from Presselle and turns to leave.

She grabs his arm, "You'll need to either take the top of her uniform off or roll it up a bit to reach the wound. Avert your eyes when doing so; be a gentleman and don't look anywhere else but her wound." She warns before letting him go.

Volo steps into (y/n)'s quarters as the gaurd leaves. He sets his Gingko Guild backpack down and walks over to the unconscious girl.

He sits next to her and notices her stunning features. Even unconscious, she looks peaceful. Her (h/c) hair is beginning to fall out of the Survey hairstyle. Volo's steel grey eye takes in her figure until he decides to make food.

After he finishes his portion of the food, he takes out the ointment and bandage. Volo takes a deep breath and begins to undo her top. He notices the blood on her uniform caused by the bloodied wound.

Before he takes the top off, Volo takes off your satchel and tosses it to the side. The satchel opens and some items pop out. Volo sighs and turns to pack them away. Seeing what popped out, he gasps.

Two plates lay on the floor and he slowly reaches for them. He grabs them and examines the writing on them.

Volo thinks about taking them but realizes how smart you are. You'll definitely notice them missing. He stores them into the satchel before undoing your top again.

He pulls (y/n)'s top over her head and lays it next to him. He averts his eyes from her chest and applies the ointment. He sets the ointment down and lays a new bandage on the wound.

Volo stands and adjusts his hat. He picks up the uniform top and goes to wash the blood out of it.

Your Pov

You slowly open your eyes and roll onto your back. You wince as you turn, feeling pain in your side. You stare at the ceiling as you begin to recall what happened.

You furrow your brows as you hear a rustling noise. You prop yourself up on your elbows, flinching. You scan your surroundings and notice you're in your quarters.

You take a deep breath and notice a figure messing with water. Wearing blue and yellow, you recognize this figure as Volo.

Your gaze turns to what he's holding. You squint, seeing that he's holding a dark blue top. Then you realize the chilly feeling grazing your stomach.

You peer down and notice that you have nothing covering your top half except your undergarment. You have a white bandage on your side and you gasp.

Your arms instinctively cover your chest as Volo turns around. "VOLO! Don't look, goddammit!" You yell at him, turning so your back faces him.

You weren't sure about him but your cheeks were a deep red. "Sorry! Sorry! Here's your top. I was cleaning the blood out of it." He tosses your uniform top in your direction.

You quickly grab it and put it on swiftly. You try to stand up but fail. Volo rushes to your side and grabs your arm, trying to lay you down again.

"You need to rest for two days before you can go back to your Survey Corps business." The Gingko Guild merchant explains. "Professor Laventon told me to watch you until your resting days are done."

You sigh and look into his steel grey eye. "Okay; can you release my team for me?"

Volo nods and grabs your team's Poké Balls, releasing them. All your Pokémon rush over to you, rubbing and snuggling against you.

"Although you just regained consciousness, you should still get back to sleep. It's dark now." He states, gesturing to your darkened windows.

Your stomach grumbles and you meet his eye. "Can I have some food first?"

"Luckily, there are some left over from mine." He replies, handing you his still-warm leftovers.

You take the food and begin to eat. Once you finish, he takes the food plate from you. You take a blanket from your futon and hand it to him before diving under your own sheets.

"Goodnight Volo," You say, closing your eyes.

He sits down, giving you enough space and drapes the blanket over him. "Goodnight (y/n)."

Volo turns off the lights and you both drift off into a peaceful sleep.

Word Count: 1,032

Ahh the Volo picture <3
Thanks for reading!

Till Next Time!

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